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[Video] Dont do it

Posted: 2009-04-23 16:13
by HunterMed
Little video I made after I was annoyed by pilots crashing helicopters all the time.

I tried to make a funny approach to this delicate issue.

Also I dont have anything against newbies - just people that do things wrong even when told how to do it.

Re: [VIDEO] Dont do it

Posted: 2009-04-23 16:24
by =Romagnolo=

Nice idea ! You should do more, put a finger in the snipers !

Re: [VIDEO] Dont do it

Posted: 2009-04-23 16:38
by cyberzomby
Dude! Really really really cool! The montage, the voice, the music and a really cool end message!

EDIT: Love the camera angles in the end as well!

Re: [VIDEO] Dont do it

Posted: 2009-04-23 17:50
by HunterMed
Thanks guys :)

Re: [VIDEO] Dont do it

Posted: 2009-04-23 17:51
by Jigsaw
Lol, great video.

Re: [VIDEO] Dont do it

Posted: 2009-04-23 17:56
by Jedimushroom
I like, very dark in a totally not dark but still very funny kind of way.

Re: [VIDEO] Dont do it

Posted: 2009-04-23 20:39
by Wilkinson
Bad to the *** man. Great work.

Re: [VIDEO] Dont do it

Posted: 2009-04-23 20:54
by Zerapup
lol , that was epic =()

Re: [VIDEO] Dont do it

Posted: 2009-04-23 20:57
by >para<
call:555-Dont-do-it-noob or visit hahahahha niceeee

Re: [VIDEO] Dont do it

Posted: 2009-04-23 21:40
by HeXeY
Awesome video, you should make more of the "noob" videos :D

It's a shame no one recorded my "noobing" on 10th one time, I flipped the heli to the side like a "noob", but continued to flip it so I landed upright again xD (I had a witness though, McLuv)

Re: [VIDEO] Dont do it

Posted: 2009-04-23 22:37
by Blck&wht
Great Video .. :D

Re: [VIDEO] Dont do it

Posted: 2009-04-24 07:57
by TF6049
Funny, but got the point across. Make that a must-watch to fly a plane =D

Re: [VIDEO] Dont do it

Posted: 2009-04-24 10:00
by General_J0k3r
the voice is cool coz it's hunter's voice :D

Re: [VIDEO] Dont do it

Posted: 2009-04-24 12:48
by HunterMed
haha indeed :D
you know, for me it sounds strange but I guess that's normal when hearing your own voice ;)

thanks for all your nice comments!

Re: [VIDEO] Dont do it

Posted: 2009-04-24 12:55
by McBumLuv
I enjoyed it very much. :D

Re: [Video] Dont do it

Posted: 2009-04-25 18:44
by Gore
Hehehehe he couldn't 'chute from the building.

Re: [Video] Dont do it

Posted: 2009-04-25 18:51
by The Iron Dreamer
Every PR tutorial vid in the category of "How to fly", must begin with this vid :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Nice one mate ;)

Re: [Video] Dont do it

Posted: 2009-04-25 18:57
by CrashNemesisII
i love the idea and the movie itself, if i may give a small comment though (i'm sorry i'm in the movie business and it's stronger than myself). With all respect for your english, as you are indeed perfectly understandable, it is a rather heavy accent you have which just takes out the "moment" itself. Otherwise good idea great workout very nicely done.

More public service announcements by huntermed will be expected :)

Re: [Video] Dont do it

Posted: 2009-04-25 21:19
by Zrix
That's BSG music, right?

And nice video m8, really well made.

Re: [Video] Dont do it

Posted: 2009-04-25 21:22
by Sundance Kid
im happy you dont show the crashes in the always makes me want to cry :S