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[Video] Stryker Chase through Karbala

Posted: 2009-04-27 02:00
by Spuz36
Decided to grab a few Techs on Karbala and go hunting in a group. We found a squad and took them out then on the way out, we met up with a Stryker. Now, as I remember 50s hurt a Stryker, so we kept chase and kept him running. Then someone got tracked and the whole pursuit fell apart but none the less it was fun! Xfire sound lags a bit, but you get the point.

Stryker Chase w/ Technicals - Xfire Video


Re: [Video]Stryker Chase through Karbala

Posted: 2009-04-27 02:24
by bust331
I was driver of the blue technical, that shit was awesomely funny!

Re: [Video] Stryker Chase through Karbala

Posted: 2009-04-27 06:29
by GKaiserman
hahaha, best PR video i've ever seen, the stryker crew must've wet themselves
does the 12.7 really damage the stryker because i've never bothered trying

Re: [Video] Stryker Chase through Karbala

Posted: 2009-04-27 10:40
by Pure_beef
Too laggy, it was pissing me off, ill watch it another time

Re: [Video] Stryker Chase through Karbala

Posted: 2009-04-27 14:52
by Demonic
That stryker must have been soloed because if there was a gunner you would all be dead ;) . Great video though.

Re: [Video] Stryker Chase through Karbala

Posted: 2009-04-27 15:05
by Skodz
lol nice video showing how one manning armor = epic fail

Re: [Video] Stryker Chase through Karbala

Posted: 2009-04-27 15:06
by StuTika
As far as I am aware, the Stryker is immune to .50 rounds.


Re: [Video] Stryker Chase through Karbala

Posted: 2009-04-27 16:17
by E4$Y
StuTika wrote:As far as I am aware, the Stryker is immune to .50 rounds.

Well no,it isn't. After about 5-7 mags it explodes, but untill you even get a chance to shot that many at him you would already be yeah,it's pretty much doesn't matter.(I'm talking 'bout PR ofc not RL just so you know.)

Re: [Video] Stryker Chase through Karbala

Posted: 2009-04-27 20:46
by bust331
The guy wasn't soloing the Stryker, he had a gunner, he just overheated his gun too early in the fight, and every time it cooled he managed to overheat it soon after.

But still, that was really fun, I stopped driving because I was trying to type and was unaware that the humvee was following us.

Fantastic :D

Re: [Video] Stryker Chase through Karbala

Posted: 2009-04-27 21:04
by TomDackery
Newbish gunners dont realize that just because you can shoot your .50 in the Stryker, doesn't mean you should. Takes a couple seconds more AFTER its cooled to be completely usable.

Nice video, I cried a little. Very emotional stuff :D

Re: [Video] Stryker Chase through Karbala

Posted: 2009-04-28 01:05
by Spuz36
yea bust you silly goose, but at least you made a nice ending for the video :P

Glad everyone enjoyed it because it was hysterical in the process, he would shoot for like 2 seconds then overheat again...believe there was a line of pee coming out the back...

Re: [Video] Stryker Chase through Karbala

Posted: 2009-04-28 01:40
by M.Warren
Had an excellent opportunity there to trash a Stryker. Unfortunately all that I saw was:


Then again, my past experiences (blurred from memory) felt like every 3rd shot from a technical damaged an APC. As if the .50's on Technicals were on a completely different damage scale. I cannot confirm or deny this though.

Re: [Video] Stryker Chase through Karbala

Posted: 2009-04-28 13:07
by Cpl.Small
ha ha, and that's why you should always have a gunner :D i love how you all cicrled it when you first saw it lol