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Another BF2 Interview

Posted: 2004-12-31 09:23
by Boobs McGee
This is not the best interview out there, but check it out anyways.

Posted: 2004-12-31 09:50
by Archangel
coo thx

Posted: 2004-12-31 17:32
by Silence14
I think we've all figured out by now that Vanilla BF2 is going to be a massive spamfest of vehicles with underpowered small arms, and overpowered grenade launchers(that video made me sick to my stomach). It's going to be extremely noob friendly, according to EA/DICE. This of course means that it's going to suck ***.

Posted: 2005-01-02 23:27
by marto
That site does have something cool though, if you look at the Kartor (map I think) part of the site you can see the way that BF2 is going to make the map sizes based on the # of people in the game. They seem to be making the maps larger or just adding flags.

Posted: 2005-01-03 06:04
by requiem
solodude23 wrote:its super noob friendly, weapons are unrealistic, (took a full mag to take another guy out at point blank)
Take in mind these were reporters playing, the whole video seemed very newbish in skill. I mean lets be fair, the guy who unloaded the mag strictyl had no clue how to play any BF :D Hence, these were 16 painful minutes for any BF "veteran".

Posted: 2005-01-03 21:59
by Silverwolf
Like requiem said, they were total noobs to the game, and if they were on the move, their accuracy is already going to be pretty off, and if they were running circles 'round each other (I havn't watched the vid) then thats gonna throw em off as well. It's almost impossible to get a real idea about the game until we see some BF/BFV vets get in there n hav a game. But yes, like the first BF, n basiclly any other game, it'll probably take a few patches to sought out all the issues, but then you should also remember that the game the reporters were suing was probably an Alpha vrsn, n so far more glitchy then the polished game will be.

Posted: 2005-01-04 18:47
by Tomcat
don't forget that in the videos probably deliberately extended the firefights...for the sake of the holywood.... :)

Posted: 2005-01-04 22:47
by Anti-}{ero
I havnt seen the vid... and i dont think i want to... but BF:2 will be out soon.. YAY

Posted: 2005-01-05 02:37
by Ugly Duck
The guys were just ****, and probly doing it for the videos sake. Although BF gameplay will suck, we don't KNOW anything 'till its here(or the demo).

Posted: 2005-01-05 06:59
by Anti-}{ero
I expect the demo around middle of february... hope its soon