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Building Fb's in Kashan Desert Bunkers

Posted: 2009-06-06 11:59
by MrSh@vid
Well first guide, so apologies if it's not to great,

One thing i've noticed a lot where ever i'm playing by both new and experienced players is that very few don't know how to deploy a firebase inside the Bunkers in Kashan Desert,
This is in my opinion the best place in the bunker complex to build one, as it prevents Jets/Attack Choppers from raping them, and makes them a lot more defensible from enemy Armor and Infantry.
So here is a text and Video based guide on building within the bunkers

1)Drop crates inside the bunker
2)Get your Officer/Combat Engineer Kit
3)Go through the main door Enter the rear room on the right hand side
4)Go to the back right hand corner of this room and lie down
5)Look towards the main door, you will notice some Red/Yellow Sticky Tape
6)Look at the top right of this Sticky Tape
7)Deploy firebase
8) Shovel Firebase
9)Reap the rewards of having a good defence.

Hope this helps,



Re: Building Fb's in Kashan Desert Bunkers

Posted: 2009-06-06 12:05
by arjan
Good guide, i was wondering why it wouldn't work for me!

Re: Building Fb's in Kashan Desert Bunkers

Posted: 2009-06-06 12:26
by Spuz36
Ahh thank you, I was trying to build one yesterday and I knew there was a special spot to look at. Feels like trying to get all hole in ones on that one Miniputt game :P

Re: Building Fb's in Kashan Desert Bunkers

Posted: 2009-06-06 12:53
by cyberzomby
Good guide for sure!

Re: Building Fb's in Kashan Desert Bunkers

Posted: 2009-06-15 19:00
by Mathisen
Very useful!
Thank you for sharing 8)

Re: Building Fb's in Kashan Desert Bunkers

Posted: 2009-06-15 19:54
by Razick
Great now everyone knows. There goes my fun.

Re: Building Fb's in Kashan Desert Bunkers

Posted: 2009-06-17 12:59
by driver-ch-driver
:D thats useful info. thanks

Re: Building Fb's in Kashan Desert Bunkers

Posted: 2009-06-17 21:01
by 0blivi0us
Thats brilliant, ive squashed myself and lots of Team members many times over :P
I'm gonna try this next time.

Thanks for the tip

Re: Building Fb's in Kashan Desert Bunkers

Posted: 2009-06-17 23:13
by scope
Very nice tip, thanks for sharing. Now if I could just get my teamates to not stand in front of me while i try to deploy it.