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[AAR] Fools FSG

Posted: 2009-06-09 19:55
by Portable.Cougar
-M-Inf moves to high ground with veiw of known Russian troops.



-At this point enemy postions are known. M-Inf selects targets while holding fire. Technical is brought up from its coverd postion. M-Inf ordered to engage once the .50 begins.


-Violance of action. In order to maintain fire supriority all squad members fire on enemy postions. Those who move to cover are actively suppressed by riflemen. Sandi's role of "grenader" is able to wound / kill enemy using cover ie: logs and trees. Once the target is supressed and marked Sandi is able to place a rocket behind the covered postion.





-With overwelming fire M-Inf is able to remove all enemy presance in the area. M-Inf remains to overwatch untill friendly forces take old enemy postions. M-Inf then returns to the Technical and moves on.

-Phase 2


-M-inf takes up rear guard for [KTA] RangedRecon. Ranged is activly covering front with M-Inf coveing flanks and rear.


-Tank and M-Inf take postions for interceting fires.


-The enemy controls the right side of the road and the flag itself. M-Inf at this point is reciving light unaimed fire from the Russian RP postion.


-M-Inf is able to place down large ammounts of fire via .50, LAT, and small arms activly suppressing the enemy. This in turn also spots hostile forces for the tank using tracer and LAT rounds. The tank is then able to bring HE rounds to bare on conciled russian postions.










-This Russain LMG gunnner begins to place accurate fire on M-Inf. Due to the location the Tank is unable to provide fires. Using rifle fire and light .50 M-Inf is able to force the enemy to move from his postion. In doing this the LMG gunnner is unable to return fire. Allowing rifle and .50 fire to "sight in" and accuratly fire on him. The LMG is dispatched.




-McGann is able to push the Russian force into M-Inf firing arcs.


-At this point M-Inf holds all fires and pulls sightly back off the fireing postion to a concield location. In doing so the remaing Russians begin focusing soly on firing on M-inf. This allows |TG-X| McGann to move in to postion above the remaing Russians using thier rlfle fire to hear their postion.

-All russians are eleminated and the flag is capped by McGann.

Re: [AAR] Fools FSG

Posted: 2009-06-09 20:13
by $pyker
Congratulations on breaking the image posting rules 23 times in one post

Re: [AAR] Fools FSG

Posted: 2009-06-09 20:14
by (HUN)Rud3bwoy
Awesome report!
Nice game!

Re: [AAR] Fools FSG

Posted: 2009-06-09 20:19
by shribey22
was this a public or private game? if public, what server was this on? looks like a lot of fun.

Re: [AAR] Fools FSG

Posted: 2009-06-09 20:24
by Carlez_1
$pyker wrote:Congratulations on breaking the image posting rules 23 times in one post
i don't see why... since he's using the IMG tag they can be 1280x1024 or widescreen equivalent

you don't get any widescreens with less than 1440x900 these days :-?

Re: [AAR] Fools FSG

Posted: 2009-06-09 20:28
by Portable.Cougar
shribey22 wrote:was this a public or private game? if public, what server was this on? looks like a lot of fun.

Just a normal public game on Tactical Gamers server

Web Site
$pyker wrote:Congratulations on breaking the image posting rules 23 times in one post
Congrats on being a tool

Re: [AAR] Fools FSG

Posted: 2009-06-09 22:00
by Silly_Savage
Bummer. For a second there, I thought this was going to be about the round we holed ourselves up inside the Village bunker complex as the Russians and held off several Chechen assaults, only to be vaporized by enemy mortars at the end of the round.

Even so, nice AAR.

Re: [AAR] Fools FSG

Posted: 2009-06-10 06:20
by rangedReCon
Oh hey it's me!