Lead and Team Update
Posted: 2009-06-17 08:50
G'Day everyone,
There was a small problem we had with over who was lead. Most of us thort it was a joint lead by [R-DEV]Ancienman and [R-CON]Nedlands1. This was not the case as [R-DEV]Ancienman was under the impression that R-CON]Nedlands1 was lead and R-CON]Nedlands1 was under the impression that [R-DEV]Ancienman was lead.
This has all been resolved now over many PMs and many convos that i had with both of them. As it now stands i am now the ADF lead and will start getting the Faction's wheels rolling.
As it stands i need to know the following. I need everyone that has done work for the ADF to give me a PM with the work you did or are doing so i can get a list together of who is on the ADF team.
I also want to stress the need of team members, we really need to get some mappers that will see the map through to the end. If you wish to map for the ADF give me a PM and we will see where we go.
The team as it stands atm. If you have done work or are doing work for the ADF and your name is not here PM me and i will update it.
[R-DEV]tonnie15 - Lead, Models, Textures, Mapping, Small Animations, Coding, Sound and Public Relations
Team Members
[R-DEV]Chuc - Animations, Textures
[R-CON]WallyJas - Coding
Warpig - Mapping
anglomanii - Our behind the scenes info man!
[R-COM]Wilkinson mapper
Cheers for reading feel free to post here let us know what you think
[R-DEV]tonnie15 - ADF Lead
There was a small problem we had with over who was lead. Most of us thort it was a joint lead by [R-DEV]Ancienman and [R-CON]Nedlands1. This was not the case as [R-DEV]Ancienman was under the impression that R-CON]Nedlands1 was lead and R-CON]Nedlands1 was under the impression that [R-DEV]Ancienman was lead.
This has all been resolved now over many PMs and many convos that i had with both of them. As it now stands i am now the ADF lead and will start getting the Faction's wheels rolling.
As it stands i need to know the following. I need everyone that has done work for the ADF to give me a PM with the work you did or are doing so i can get a list together of who is on the ADF team.
I also want to stress the need of team members, we really need to get some mappers that will see the map through to the end. If you wish to map for the ADF give me a PM and we will see where we go.
The team as it stands atm. If you have done work or are doing work for the ADF and your name is not here PM me and i will update it.
[R-DEV]tonnie15 - Lead, Models, Textures, Mapping, Small Animations, Coding, Sound and Public Relations
Team Members
[R-DEV]Chuc - Animations, Textures
[R-CON]WallyJas - Coding
Warpig - Mapping
anglomanii - Our behind the scenes info man!
[R-COM]Wilkinson mapper
Cheers for reading feel free to post here let us know what you think

[R-DEV]tonnie15 - ADF Lead