Radio Check


Rally At The Assembly Area

Inspect The Troops



Squad Roles & Example Briefs
Squad Leader
"My name is Maxsom, and I will be your squad leader for this round. I want you to know that even though I expect you to follow my orders, you also need to know that I am here for you and not me. Without you as my fireteam I am nothing and cannot accomplish the mission. I will be here as your guide."
"You use your special equipment whenever you can at all times and do not wait for me to tell you to use it. You will help me destroy any enemies we face and stay on my *** at all times."
Automatic Rifleman
"You are my second-in-command. You scan for enemies when not firing watching my flanks that I cannot see, and you kill enemies you see with accurate fire. You will keep the enemy heads down so we can maneuver team leader."
"You stay with the Automatic Rifleman. You will not change your kit at anytime. You will not change your kit at anytime. YOU WILL NOT CHANGE YOUR KIT AT ANYTIME. I want you to have fun but if you want to change kits, tell me and we will change it when we can. You will cover the rear, scan for enemies, and give the AR extra firepower when needed. You will keep us alive Doc."
Mini-Guide To Lining Up Public Squaddies
goguapsy wrote:I tried assembling my guys in a line and they were like "oh, you serious?" and stuff like that. Hum, pubs. Can't complain I'm one of them!
lol. I don't know if you used a wall or not, but make sure you use a wall to line them up as a guide. Doing it in the open takes too much time for a squad that is new to each other. Here is a simple guide that you or anyone can use if your having trouble.
KISS: Keep It S**t Simple.
Situation 1:
- Squad Leader: "Squad listen up, after you get your kits I assigned you - move to the move marker so we get organized and ready to roll out."
- Note: Make sure everyone is at the move marker.
- Squad Leader: "Ok squad, get on the wall and line up! We're going to win this mission and I need to see that I can count on every one of you! So get going, line up on that wall! Go, go, go!"
- Note: You have to be confident and a people's person sort of attitude to pull this off. If your shy this won't work as well. This statement helps build up morale and motivates the players as they are now thinking "Holy ****, this seems like a cool squad. Look at this, we're doing real squad stuff right from the start!"
- Note: If someone says: "Are you serious?" or "Huh?" and anything similar, then respond appropriately.
- Squad Leader: "Yes, that's right <playername>. You heard me right, line up on that wall trooper! Go, go!"
- Note: Don't yell into the microphone or sound too estatic. Just have a slightly higher and slightly more motivated voice then everyone else. You cannot be like a Drill Sergeant in real life with a microphone.
- Squad Member: "What? Why?!"
- Squad Leader: "Look <playername>, we work together as a squad. We are ONE. If you cannot do something as simple as line up on a wall then me and <insert.other.player.names.here> cannot rely on you. So are you in, or out <playername>?"
- Squad Member: (In) "Ok." Lines up on wall. SL: "Glad to have you on board <playername>!" (Out) "No." SL: "Sorry then, team players only." Kick.
- Note: If you still have trouble with keeping people together, holding their spot, or falling in a line - GO WITH IT. Don't waste too much time on this. The purpose of the line is to get organized, get morale up, and move out quickly. You don't need a perfect line. Just willing teamplayers. If they show they are willing, then they are good squad members. You can only do so much with public players. Remember, you are looking for willing teamplayers that will work with you. It doesn't need to be perfect.