Mission Preparation for the Squad Leader

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Mission Preparation for the Squad Leader

Post by Cavazos »

Map Intelligence

Image Recon the map yourself before the game, making a list of assets for both sides. Also know popular tactics and avenues of approach for enemy forces from different objectives throughout the game. If no recon is done before combat operations, then the map detail that is provided during your load up of the round will give you some basic reconnaissance.

Radio Check

Image Make sure people can at minimum acknowledge your orders with a microphone or using in-game text communications.


Image Consider the use of Automatic Rifleman, Medic, Anti-Armor, Grenadier, Rifleman Specialist, and Marksman. Squad Leader can deploy buildings effectively with a Squad Leader or Combat Engineer kit.

Image Other assets should be considered as well. An armored squad should have a supply truck on standby for its repair drop. Any other squad should have transport and a supply crate as their disposal.

Rally At The Assembly Area

Image Have the troops all gather around in a common area for mission preparation. If squad is scattered, then regroup squad at a safe assembly area.

Inspect The Troops

Image Have a troops form a line in preparation of your briefing to test their willingness to follow your command and to ensure you have a squad that begins working together from the start. Give a crash course on basic combat. This should be worked on in a safe location that is secluded and doesn't risk enemy fire or friendly soldiers stealing squad assets.

Operation Order
Image Explain the overall objectives, enemy forces and assets, and your own force capabilities for situational awareness.
Image Describe your squad's purpose in the battlefield and how your squad will make an impact towards accomplishing the mission.

Squad Roles & Example Briefs
Squad Leader
"My name is Maxsom, and I will be your squad leader for this round. I want you to know that even though I expect you to follow my orders, you also need to know that I am here for you and not me. Without you as my fireteam I am nothing and cannot accomplish the mission. I will be here as your guide."
"You use your special equipment whenever you can at all times and do not wait for me to tell you to use it. You will help me destroy any enemies we face and stay on my *** at all times."
Automatic Rifleman
"You are my second-in-command. You scan for enemies when not firing watching my flanks that I cannot see, and you kill enemies you see with accurate fire. You will keep the enemy heads down so we can maneuver team leader."
"You stay with the Automatic Rifleman. You will not change your kit at anytime. You will not change your kit at anytime. YOU WILL NOT CHANGE YOUR KIT AT ANYTIME. I want you to have fun but if you want to change kits, tell me and we will change it when we can. You will cover the rear, scan for enemies, and give the AR extra firepower when needed. You will keep us alive Doc."

Mini-Guide To Lining Up Public Squaddies
goguapsy wrote:I tried assembling my guys in a line and they were like "oh, you serious?" and stuff like that. Hum, pubs. Can't complain I'm one of them!

lol. I don't know if you used a wall or not, but make sure you use a wall to line them up as a guide. Doing it in the open takes too much time for a squad that is new to each other. Here is a simple guide that you or anyone can use if your having trouble.

KISS: Keep It S**t Simple.

Situation 1:

  • Squad Leader: "Squad listen up, after you get your kits I assigned you - move to the move marker so we get organized and ready to roll out."
  • Note: Make sure everyone is at the move marker.
  • Squad Leader: "Ok squad, get on the wall and line up! We're going to win this mission and I need to see that I can count on every one of you! So get going, line up on that wall! Go, go, go!"
  • Note: You have to be confident and a people's person sort of attitude to pull this off. If your shy this won't work as well. This statement helps build up morale and motivates the players as they are now thinking "Holy ****, this seems like a cool squad. Look at this, we're doing real squad stuff right from the start!"
  • Note: If someone says: "Are you serious?" or "Huh?" and anything similar, then respond appropriately.
  • Squad Leader: "Yes, that's right <playername>. You heard me right, line up on that wall trooper! Go, go!"
  • Note: Don't yell into the microphone or sound too estatic. Just have a slightly higher and slightly more motivated voice then everyone else. You cannot be like a Drill Sergeant in real life with a microphone.
  • Squad Member: "What? Why?!"
  • Squad Leader: "Look <playername>, we work together as a squad. We are ONE. If you cannot do something as simple as line up on a wall then me and <insert.other.player.names.here> cannot rely on you. So are you in, or out <playername>?"
  • Squad Member: (In) "Ok." Lines up on wall. SL: "Glad to have you on board <playername>!" (Out) "No." SL: "Sorry then, team players only." Kick.
  • Note: If you still have trouble with keeping people together, holding their spot, or falling in a line - GO WITH IT. Don't waste too much time on this. The purpose of the line is to get organized, get morale up, and move out quickly. You don't need a perfect line. Just willing teamplayers. If they show they are willing, then they are good squad members. You can only do so much with public players. Remember, you are looking for willing teamplayers that will work with you. It doesn't need to be perfect.
Last edited by Cavazos on 2009-11-09 22:04, edited 18 times in total.
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Re: Mission Preparation for the Squad Leader

Post by Wilkinson »

This guy is good :D
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Re: Mission Preparation for the Squad Leader

Post by Truism »

Inspect them in a line?

Are you being serious?

Edit: Perhaps teach them drill as well in order to make the inspection look better and operate more smoothly. This will also aid them in reacting instinctively to your words of command. While you're at it, give them Occupational Health and Safety briefs regularly, and have them fill in forms when exposed to hazardous conditions (like loud noises and dust inhalation). Don't forget to inspect their kit for signs of poor maintenance, as this is a direct reflection on the group's morale. While at it, during your brief at the assy point, you should brief the squad in full on the Topography, Situation, Mission, Execution, Admin & Log and Comms & Signals so that if you are incapacitated, any one of them can take over for you. It is also essential that in your groupings and tasks you remember to detail each individual piece of equipment that each of them will carry, and how they are to use it - perhaps use this as a chance to revise the tabulated data on their weapons systems.
Last edited by Truism on 2009-11-08 07:57, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Mission Preparation for the Squad Leader

Post by Cavazos »

Truism wrote:Inspect them in a line?

Are you being serious?

Edit: Perhaps teach them drill as well in order to make the inspection look better and operate more smoothly. This will also aid them in reacting instinctively to your words of command. While you're at it, give them Occupational Health and Safety briefs regularly, and have them fill in forms when exposed to hazardous conditions (like loud noises and dust inhalation). Don't forget to inspect their kit for signs of poor maintenance, as this is a direct reflection on the group's morale. While at it, during your brief at the assy point, you should brief the squad in full on the Topography, Situation, Mission, Execution, Admin & Log and Comms & Signals so that if you are incapacitated, any one of them can take over for you. It is also essential that in your groupings and tasks you remember to detail each individual piece of equipment that each of them will carry, and how they are to use it - perhaps use this as a chance to revise the tabulated data on their weapons systems.
Go ahead man. It's your squad. ;-)
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Re: Mission Preparation for the Squad Leader

Post by goguapsy »


Very nice guide man.

I tried assembling my guys in a line and they were like "oh, you serious?" and stuff like that. Hum, pubs. Can't complain I'm one of them!

Anyways, remember, 3 guy on each side (on a road, insurgency).

And my 2ic is always the most communicative guy.
Guys, when a new player comes, just answer his question and go on your merry way, instead of going berserk! It's THAT simple! :D

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Re: Mission Preparation for the Squad Leader

Post by J.Silver »

Great guide man, but seriously...

Pubs would be like, " WTF LULZ!!?? Stnduna line?!! YO'ves gotts to be shitnz me! I wunts to go kill teh enemiez!!"
* leaves squad*

If you can find a group willing to do it. I say go for it.. It'll be pretty BA if you ask me...
Just don't let the medic rape your auto rifleman while he's on his ***...
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Re: Mission Preparation for the Squad Leader

Post by ledo1222 »

Well with my SQ ''CLANMATES" they must follow orders. So Stand in a line they will do it. Great Guild i will use it to my advantage. I tryed the Stand in line thing on some Random guys. There like WTFBQQ Are you for Realz, Stop trying to be 1337. :roll:
-The Mods cant Silence me!
-Its all a Conspiracy all OF IT!
-Boys get the duck tape ready..... Umm.....

Been palying PR:ARMA2 since 0.1v beta
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Re: Mission Preparation for the Squad Leader

Post by 503 »

Truism wrote:Inspect them in a line?
You would be surprised. This would invoke fear into your squad members which either would make them follow your orders more precisely or.... make them leave immediately.
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Re: Mission Preparation for the Squad Leader

Post by Cavazos »

goguapsy wrote:I tried assembling my guys in a line and they were like "oh, you serious?" and stuff like that. Hum, pubs. Can't complain I'm one of them!
lol. I don't know if you used a wall or not, but make sure you use a wall to line them up as a guide. Doing it in the open takes too much time for a squad that is new to each other. Here is a simple guide that you or anyone can use if your having trouble.

KISS: Keep It S**t Simple.

Situation 1:
  • Squad Leader: "Squad listen up, after you get your kits I assigned you - move to the move marker so we get organized and ready to roll out."
  • Note: Make sure everyone is at the move marker.
  • Squad Leader: "Ok squad, get on the wall and line up! We're going to win this mission and I need to see that I can count on every one of you! So get going, line up on that wall! Go, go, go!"
  • Note: You have to be confident and a people's person sort of attitude to pull this off. If your shy this won't work as well. This statement helps build up morale and motivates the players as they are now thinking "Holy ****, this seems like a cool squad. Look at this, we're doing real squad stuff right from the start!"
  • Note: If someone says: "Are you serious?" or "Huh?" and anything similar, then respond appropriately.
  • Squad Leader: "Yes, that's right <playername>. You heard me right, line up on that wall trooper! Go, go!"
  • Note:Don't yell into the microphone or sound too estatic. Just have a slightly higher and slightly more motivated voice then everyone else. You cannot be like a Drill Sergeant in real life with a microphone.
  • Squad Member: "What? Why?!"
  • Squad Leader: "Look <playername>, we work together as a squad. We are ONE. If you cannot do something as simple as line up on a wall then me and <insert.other.player.names.here> cannot rely on you. So are you in, or out <playername>?"
  • Squad Member: (In) "Ok." Lines up on wall. SL: "Glad to have you on board <playername>!" (Out) "No." SL: "Sorry then, team players only." Kick.
  • Note:If you still have trouble with keeping people together, holding their spot, or falling in a line - GO WITH IT. Don't waste too much time on this. The purpose of the line is to get organized, get morale up, and move out quickly. You don't need a perfect line. Just willing teamplayers. If they show they are willing, then they are good squad members. You can only do so much with public players. Remember, you are looking for willing teamplayers that will work with you. It doesn't need to be perfect.
Last edited by Cavazos on 2009-11-09 22:04, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: Mission Preparation for the Squad Leader

Post by doop-de-doo »

Great post...

:evil: B4TM4N :evil:
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Re: Mission Preparation for the Squad Leader

Post by Myru »

great guide man,

These really are the most important points i use to tell my 5 ppl whenever i lead a squad and which I expect every SL to tell his Members before they start moving out.

However, I strongly disagree with the lining up idea.

I mean its true that real-life military behavior often provides you an advantage in PR's engagements but in my opinion lining up your Squadmembers is unnessecary, since it will take to much time to get your average public players to get in formation and it seems kinda geeky to me to hold speeches or inspect your ppl in a line in a pc game.

Rallying up at a safe location without forming up gives you the possibility of ging your 5 ppl information which you haven't passed in the warmup and it spares SLs those unnecessary "are you serious" discussions.

btw, first post, so hello guys ;)
Last edited by Myru on 2009-11-18 06:52, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Mission Preparation for the Squad Leader

Post by loki1120 »

would be nice if there was a trainng map out there on the training servers that were like real tactical ranges to practice on.

The Clan Web Page is http://1-120thcab.aowc.net/ I didnt join the Army, I joined the Infantry, The Army is just my support, :) thanks POG's for the support :) (BTW, not my real RR, this is a RR for my clan, because this is a GAME.)
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Re: Mission Preparation for the Squad Leader

Post by Truism »

To clarify what I meant in my post - I think this guide is massively too detailed for use in PR. PR doesn't reward the levels of detail the Guide suggests, particularly when they result in time being wasted (time is a non-renewable resource in PR, and should always be spent with great care - the initiative is far too valuable to squander on battle prep). Not only does PR not reward it, but it shouldn't - these sorts of checks should either be carried out concurrently while en-route to the fight, or left be - it is after all just a game.
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Re: Mission Preparation for the Squad Leader

Post by Nick_Gunar »

The thing is : it would perhaps work for a clan but it is too restrictive for 70% of the squads in PR (which are a mix of different players, clan, clanless,...).
Most of them, they just wanna have fun (to quote cindy) but it doesn't exclude the seriousness of this game though. Maybe, your way of leading troops is a tiny too serious.
The best victory is when the opponent surrenders of its own accord before there are any actual hostilities... It is best to win without fighting.
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Re: Mission Preparation for the Squad Leader


On public servers if I even find five guys with a mic its rare.

I am cool, relaxed and talk lots to encourage likewise from SM's. I even feel guilty doing too much building.

The only thing that bothers me is contact reports: infront of me! My most common words as SL has to be 'what heading?'
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Re: Mission Preparation for the Squad Leader

Post by archerfenris »

Great suggestion. I'll use this from now on. Tired of the AR or Medic running off as they're my most important people. I like the idea of telling each memeber what I expect out of them. Great post.
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Re: Mission Preparation for the Squad Leader

Post by goguapsy »

MiamiHeat87 wrote:I don't know if you used a wall or not, but make sure you use a wall to line them up as a guide
BINGO! Works all the time now. No one refuses doing so. Because if you they "Everyone line-up on the wall now go go go!" they will normally think "Oh shoot" and sprint to the wall, afraid to get kicked.

Also, I like 2 rules to add... "Stay within name tag distance from me all the time, unless especifically told to do otherwise" and "General rules: don't request a kit without asking and don't strafe apart from the squad. Being a full grid apart from me unless told to do so is an automatic kick." Make sure you kick so no one takes on you lightly. Afterall, your the boss!
Guys, when a new player comes, just answer his question and go on your merry way, instead of going berserk! It's THAT simple! :D

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Re: Mission Preparation for the Squad Leader

Post by Llama8p »

I like the general idea in your post. Some parts of it are too much role playing for my taste, other parts are spot-on. Instead of making them line up, I make them take a knee around me and bring out theirs maps so I can brief them on our objectives and how we're going to achieve them, using markers and grid refs. - those who don't comply after 3 requests are out and no explanation. Simple.

Previous from that I tell them that I need at least a medic and an AR. Now unlike you, I don't brief my sqd members about their kits. I assume that they know what they are doing and I don't want to waste precious startup time on that. I might get slapped in the face if a noob picks up an AT kit and doesn't know how to use it at a vital moment, but so far I haven't experienced that.

My standard formation would be a rifleman as point man(pref. talk active person with Mic) followed by me(sqd leader) then AR, then .... ,and then medic as rear guard. In case I need to flank I usually ask point man and AR to do so, but perhaps I should let AR stay with the rest of the sqd, and do the flanking myself with the point man. I'm not sure what's best, But anyway, I tell them about my standard formation during our way into battle, whether we're on foot or being transported.

All in all, I find your guide very useful.
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Re: Mission Preparation for the Squad Leader

Post by goguapsy »

Just letting you guys know... I said to the squad:

"OK I'm tired of all BS players. If you wanna be on this squad, you gotta do what I tell you as soon as you can!" Spawn "EVERYBODY LINE UP ON THAT WALL NOW! GO GO GO!" everybody lines up. "Congrats, guys, you've just past the non-jerkness test. Now I can see we'll do well." And we did.
Last edited by goguapsy on 2010-05-17 21:14, edited 1 time in total.
Guys, when a new player comes, just answer his question and go on your merry way, instead of going berserk! It's THAT simple! :D

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Re: Mission Preparation for the Squad Leader

Post by dtacs »

goguapsy wrote:Just letting you guys no... I said to the squad:

"OK I'm tired of all BS players. If you wanna be on this squad, you gotta do what I tell you as soon as you can!" Spawn "EVERYBODY LINE UP ON THAT WALL NOW! GO GO GO!" everybody lines up. "Congrats, guys, you've just past the non-jerkness test. Now I can see we'll do well." And we did.
That might have been a lucky event, but lining players up is not indicative of player skill.

It is indicative of squad members knowing how to follow orders. But what happens when the tactics that the SL employs are shit? Well, then the squad members obedience is pointless.
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