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windows 7

Posted: 2009-07-08 20:20
by dominator200
I was just wondering if there is goin to be any support for windows 7 wen it comes out I am running the beta but can not play it some can from wat i have heard but i have no such luck just wanted to see wat ppl think

Re: windows 7

Posted: 2009-07-08 20:26
by Darkpowder
Please go and read the support threads in the tech-support section for windows 7.
PR does work perfectly well at least on 7100RC and more recent builds. TBH its easier to get working well than vista.
Punkbuster works too.

Re: windows 7

Posted: 2009-07-08 20:53
by Tim270
Yup, running on the latest RC and it actually runs a bit better than XP for me ;)

Re: windows 7

Posted: 2009-07-08 22:06
by epoch
Windows 7 kicks ***. Please do check out the relevant threads - there's been lots of discussion on it, and pretty much everyone is in agreement that it p*sses over Vista .... even though it's not even released yet.

I'm running BF2/PR, 2142, DCS:BlackShark, and ArmA 2, as well as all my 'normal' stuff. The only issue I've had is no drivers for my HP Officejet (yet).

The techies should be able to help you get the game running. That's what they're there for, and a fine job they do too.

Re: windows 7

Posted: 2009-07-08 22:13
by Robbi
Can somebody move this downstairs please :)

Re: windows 7

Posted: 2009-07-08 22:19
Done Robbie. ;)

Re: windows 7

Posted: 2009-07-09 15:02
by dominator200
ermm mite ba stupid question ppl have mentioned they have got pr running on windows 7 i am assuming they r using the windows xp mode can any please tell me if this is true if not how to get it runnnig on windows 7 its self

Re: windows 7

Posted: 2009-07-09 15:08
by Robbi
It should just run out of the box in Win 7 now, as of RC7100 anyway.

What version are you running of Win 7, should say in the bottom right hand corner.

Re: windows 7

Posted: 2009-07-09 15:41
by dominator200
i am running windows 7 evaluation copy build 7100 but wen i try to run it loads the pr screen not the lopad screen the screen u get wen u click the icon and then just goes striaght back to desktop

Re: windows 7

Posted: 2009-07-09 16:40
by Robbi
Are you definately running in this order

BF2 1.41
PR Core .86
PR Levels .86

Re: windows 7

Posted: 2009-07-09 17:07
by dominator200
[R-COM]Robbi187 wrote:Are you definately running in this order

BF2 1.41
PR Core .86
PR Levels .86
Yes i have installed it on xp mode in this order uninstalled installed on wondows 7 in this order and i get wat ppl have described before were the load screen comes on flikers and goes back to desktop, I am goin to try to get gpu drivers for windows 7 off nvidia as windows updates have installed them for me.
Further more i have tried the run as administator things that dosent work dnt on auc is or wat ever that is supposed to be I have also tried it in the compatiablity mode for xp a option u can select on the windows 7 properties wen u right click on the icon and no success.

Re: windows 7

Posted: 2009-07-09 17:38
by Robbi
Ok, UAC is situated in User Accounts.

Can you open task manager and make sure that PR doesnt carry on running even when the splash screen disappears

Re: windows 7

Posted: 2009-07-09 17:43
by dominator200
[R-COM]Robbi187 wrote:Ok, UAC is situated in User Accounts.

Can you open task manager and make sure that PR doesnt carry on running even when the splash screen disappears
Well installed the nvidia drivers for my gtx260 and now wen i run pr i get pr.exe has stopped workin any ideas

Re: windows 7

Posted: 2009-07-09 20:50
by dominator200
well installed bf2 again because of the pr.exe problems and i still get the problem wen the splash screen loads it will go black and then go back to desktop i ran the task manager as u said and there r no applications running so dnt no wat this means

Re: windows 7

Posted: 2009-07-10 08:11
by Robbi
Can you post up your full Specs, and what version of Win7 you are using please .

Re: windows 7

Posted: 2009-07-10 10:12
by dominator200
[R-COM]Robbi187 wrote:Can you post up your full Specs, and what version of Win7 you are using please .

Further to this post i have installed windows again and i have download the pr again so i am going to install and see wat happens i will update wen i have anymore information

Re: windows 7

Posted: 2009-07-10 11:09
by dominator200
I have also tried it on bf2 normal and get the same result get the splash screen and goes back to desktop.
I have tried fc2 not the game but benchmark, benchmark works but not tried the game I am installing arma 2 and am gunna try the game so i will see if its just bf2(pr). Also I am wondering if my drivers could be the problem i cant install my cpu drivers because it says my cd rom isnt supported by this operating system I have managed to install all the nvidia drivers, bus ,networking, display and some others the drivers if i remember correctly the cpu is for cool and quiet dnt no if this could be the problem.

Re: windows 7

Posted: 2009-07-10 17:52
by dominator200
can i just check the direct x u guys r using do i have to have dx9 installed coz i have 11 ob with windows 7

Re: windows 7

Posted: 2009-07-10 18:38
by Mad-Mike
ok just installed Windows 7 on my comp
Evaluation Copy. Build 7100

try to install my Gfx card driver and its not on the list for windows 7
was this a bad idea gettin windows 7 or is there a way round this?

p.s cnt install bf2

Re: windows 7

Posted: 2009-07-10 19:01
by Alex6714
Mine worked fine and installed bf2 fine with no specific driver, but I installed one after. Just download the latest one, restart the PC then run as admin should work. Had the same problem as you, but restart fixed it.