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[Video] Lee Enfield shootout :D

Posted: 2009-07-10 12:31
by lockpicker.=P
Well guys, this is a match that I recorded yesterday.. some parts are missing, because my spotter is uploading what he recorded.. this is the test video (i know the editing is crappy and etc.. i'll work it out on vegas.. and I couldn't upload on youtube because of the music :confused :)

Al Basrah Insurgent Shooting - Click 21 - project reality v0.86 on Vimeo

i hope you guys enjoy it.. for me, the best part is the building assault hahahaha


Re: Lee Enfield shootout :D (video wip)

Posted: 2009-07-10 14:22
by Airsoft
lockpicker.=P wrote:i'll work it out on vegas.. and I couldn't upload on youtube because of the music :confused :)

that song can't be upload due to some copyright issues, had this to me very annoying :-| Might have to use audioswap or diff audio if you want to on youtube.

Re: Lee Enfield shootout :D (video wip)

Posted: 2009-07-10 14:45
by burghUK
not bad but not many moving shots.

shame on you for your constant scoreboard checking...

Re: Lee Enfield shootout :D (video wip)

Posted: 2009-07-10 14:54
by hiberNative
nice video!
crAck_sh0t wrote:not bad but not many moving shots.

shame on you for your constant scoreboard checking...
i think it's nice he didn't shoot that many moving targets. it's so much safer to kill with the first shot than to have it disappear in latency and reveal your location.

also, i always tap the scoreboard button. even in single player games when i kill enemies. it's a really bad habit :crazy:

Re: Lee Enfield shootout :D (video wip)

Posted: 2009-07-10 15:03
by lockpicker.=P
my spotter recorded many more moving shots, i'll include it.. he just has to upload it!

and checking the score constantly isn't a bad habit for a sniper (at least for me, because i was changing my shooting directions constantly.. i can't cover 360ยบ alone :razz :) . as medics can revive headshoot enemies, its the only way to confirm a kill.

thanks guys! :-P

Re: Lee Enfield shootout :D (video wip)

Posted: 2009-07-10 19:35
by HughJass
You got some skills with that thing, thats the only sniper I can't stand in game.

Re: Lee Enfield shootout :D (video wip)

Posted: 2009-07-10 19:53
by Anhkhoa
Does the Lee Enfield really pwn that much since they added proper .303 ballistics or are you just good? :D

Re: Lee Enfield shootout :D (video wip)

Posted: 2009-07-10 20:42
by ReadMenace
You're definitely a formidable sniper.


Re: Lee Enfield shootout :D (video wip)

Posted: 2009-07-10 21:11
by lockpicker.=P
Thanks guys!! :D :D :D

new test video, now edited on vegas:

same video, just some zoom effects.. my spotter is uploading what he recorded, what will add some more kills (maybe around 10 :D )


Re: Lee Enfield shootout :D (video wip)

Posted: 2009-07-10 21:53
by Outlawz7
lol at the messenger beep at 0:20

Re: Lee Enfield shootout :D (video wip)

Posted: 2009-07-11 01:18
by Polka
Tightness, Enfield is the shizz.