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Singleplayer crash without even coming to the menu.

Posted: 2009-07-15 00:56
by Dogbox
I have pr 8.0.9 as it says in the corner of the menu. I downloaded all the singleplayer files and I have installed everything correctly in order =

-vBf2 patch 4.1
-Pr core
-Pr mapack
-Singleplayer core
-Singleplayer mapack

Then I start PRSP via it's shortcut... It loads for a while and then just when the cursor pops up (with no menu or nothing) it just crashes.

I ran it in debug mode and this is what I got:


Looks to me as if it's something to do with the Font of the menu or something. Missing a file maybe?

So how can I make the PRSP work?


Re: Singleplayer crash without even coming to the menu.

Posted: 2009-07-15 07:57
by PatrickLA_CA
Something similar does to me!
I installed it in same order PR core and levels are 0.856 and PRSP core and levels are 0.85. When i was downloading the PR core and levels from the main downloading page there were only those!
When i start it from shortcut or from bf2 it crashes to desktop after it shows black screen! Can someone help!

Re: Singleplayer crash without even coming to the menu.

Posted: 2009-07-15 08:34
by MrScruff
I can still play PRSP even though Im running 0.86.

I dont see whats the problem.

I began playing PR in 0.8. then Later on installed 0.856 during its release. Then heard about PRSP 0.856 then installed that. Never any problem. Then Installed 0.86 during its release and I can still play everything fine. MP and SP.

Maybe its the order in which everything is installed?

Or maybe its to do with the new PRMP 0.86 setup files named with 0.86 in it?

Re: Singleplayer crash without even coming to the menu.

Posted: 2009-07-15 09:18
by PatrickLA_CA
thanks but i've already tried that and then i've installed Operation Peacekeeper mod and the same thing hapens! But US Intervention,Forgotten Hope 2, Point of Existence, Nations at War , all of them work only OPK and PR!

Re: Singleplayer crash without even coming to the menu.

Posted: 2009-07-15 09:20
by PatrickLA_CA
Maybe it's because of the OS, i'm running Windows 7 but I had Vista and the same thing happened

Re: Singleplayer crash without even coming to the menu.

Posted: 2009-07-15 17:38
by Dogbox
Like I said, I have version 8.0.9 as it says in the corner of the menu. And I know that PR goes up to 0.86 so I don't know why my PR says 8.0.9 everywhere. Even the installer file's names are like that:


Re: Singleplayer crash without even coming to the menu.

Posted: 2009-07-16 08:01
by Dogbox
Ok I saw in the Custom Games tab in game that I have PR 0.8 . So any ideas why I keep crashing???
Please help me!

Re: Singleplayer crash without even coming to the menu.

Posted: 2009-07-16 09:05
by PatrickLA_CA
at custom games the both sp and mp are o.85 but in the installation it says pr_setup0.856 something like that
and sp is 0.85and it crashes when starting!

Re: Singleplayer crash without even coming to the menu.

Posted: 2009-07-16 23:10
by Dogbox
Please help me.

Re: Singleplayer crash without even coming to the menu.

Posted: 2009-07-17 03:55
by ballard_44
You're using SP version v809.

Your game tells you so, your installer files say so.

SP v809 does not work with MP v856 or MP v86

These are the current SP files, so use these instead... ... nload.html

Re: Singleplayer crash without even coming to the menu.

Posted: 2009-09-06 20:41
by jamskii0
i'm getting the same problem :S i tried deleting the battlefield 2 folder from documents, that solved the original problem, but i had to create an account, and clicked on create, and it CTD'd

according to the custom games bit on vBF2 i have 0.8 for MP PR, and 0.85 for PRSP? even though the file i downloaded for PRMP was 0.86? and the files i downloaded for PRSP are the ones from the post above...i'm really stuck :( and i REALLY want to play this :(

help me :D please :D

Re: Singleplayer crash without even coming to the menu.

Posted: 2009-09-07 10:30
by gomimin
In each PR and PRSP Folder you'll have file mod.desc, open with Editor - at the bottom you'll find Version...

and if you're looking through PRSP forums you'll even find a solution to run newest PR MP and even actual PRSP ;-)

Re: Singleplayer crash without even coming to the menu.

Posted: 2009-09-07 12:17
by jamskii0
i found my problem :D and fixed it :D cus i'm a total n00b, i was running an 0.8 version of MP, and 0.85 SP

so ive managed to find a 0.856 of MP and im running that now to avoid any confliction with my SP and 0.86

so my advice to anyone with this problem, CHECK THE VERSION OF YOUR MP :lol:


Re: Singleplayer crash without even coming to the menu.

Posted: 2009-09-09 09:14
by gomimin
Nice! and thanx for reporting back