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[AAR] CAS in Karbala

Posted: 2009-07-26 17:44
by TheOldBreed
Just a short one, with no screens, no names, but bear with me.

It as in Karbala, on the far right side of the map, where the canal/river is. We recently constructed a firebase there, but somehow we were taking fire. I was in a two-man sniper/spotter squad so we took it upon ourselves to glass where it was coming from.

Alas, we saw it was from one of the huts across the canal. I lasered that sh*t up, where roughly 7 insurgents were. In no time at all, a little bird swooped in, came round twice and took the Hadjis out with everything he had - AND to our joy, a cache exploded, which was located just behind the hut.

Needless to say, it was a good day for sniper/spotter and CAS co-operation.

Cheers to whoever was piloting the bird.

Re: CAS in Karbala

Posted: 2009-07-26 19:06
by driver-ch-driver
lol nice 8-) ;-) :mrgreen:

Re: CAS in Karbala

Posted: 2009-07-26 22:46
by StrkTm_Leopold
Nothing better than accurate and fast responding CAS.