More realistic flight physics for littlebird pls

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More realistic flight physics for littlebird pls

Post by bluehawk112 »

The topic is: flightphysics of the littlebird (or in general of all helicopters)
I was wondering, if it´s possible to implement improvements concerning the following flight

characterisics of a helicopter :

1.)if incrasing the pitch (raising collective lever) on the ground for take off or during any

(very) slow speed flying phase (f.e. close to ground, hovering), the airframe should start to

rotate against direction of rotorblade-circular direction. If you don´t push opposite rudder

pedal ( counteract this impulse), you start to rotate around your own vertical axis.

2.) if you decrease pitch (lowering collective lever) during low speed (f.e. close to ground for

landing), vice versa effect will happen (rotation of airframe starts in same direction like

rotorblade-circular direction-->if you don´t counteract with pedal)

3)if you decrease pitch (lowering collective lever) very rapidly and intensively during fast

speed, the nose of the helicopter will suddenly pitch up (but I think, this effect is already

realized with flight characteristics of uh1n helicopter and supercobra, am I right?). Same vice

versa. Pulling collective lever will give a little nose down - effect.

4.) if you decrease pitch (lowering collective lever) very rapidly and intensively during having

no forward speed, the rotorblades can come in their own downwash during the following vertical

descent. Trying to break the descent in this situation is not possible by applying more pull on

the collective lever but only by pushing nose a little bit down to get forward movement to escape

the vertical downwash airstream.

4.) If you want to land on a runway with slow forward speed and you are close to the ground, your

airframe should be drifting sidewards (even without any crosswind). Reason is the tailrotor,which

has the same effect like actual crosswind would have on your airframe (=side drift). That´s why

you should land with a little bit of bank (one side touches down first) in order to keep your

nose aligned with the desired landing direction (f.e. centerline of a runway) and in order to

counteract the side drift.

I am not a real helicopter-pilot, but I have some friends that are real heli-pilots and they

invited me sometimes to fly in a real heli-simulator. On these occasions, they explained to me

the funny behaviour of a helicopter during certain phases of flight
-especially, when close to the ground.
If someone of the developers of PRSP was willing to change some flightphysics of the littlebird,

I could try to gather more exact information about speed and altitude ranges where these

phenomenons appear or which angular speeds can occur not counteracting any rotations.
Of course, I am not sure, if there could be some more special issues to consider when steering a

helicopter, but having flown a couple of times in the real simulator, I think, I listed the most

important "add ons" for more realistic flight characteristics.
Any real pilots here who can help me out here and who might also want to convince our great

developers of PRSP to improve reality-feeling of helicopterflying? :-D
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Re: More realistic flight physics for littlebird pls

Post by Scot » ... ost1101029

No need to make 2 threads mate. For future reference, PRSP takes PR Multiplayer, and makes it Single Player. So this should go in the Suggestion forum, and make sure you search before posting :)
Solid Knight
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Re: More realistic flight physics for littlebird pls

Post by Solid Knight »

BF2 doesn't simulate flight mechanics at all. The engines work in a very simplistic manner which is the amount of force pulling the craft upward, the amount of force pushing the aircraft to the side, interia, drag, mass, gravity, speed magnifiers, landing stability, and a few other miscellaneous things.

In BF2 the tail rotor only affects your turning speed. It doesn't counteract the main rotor.
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Re: More realistic flight physics for littlebird pls

Post by Rudd »

and the choppers in PRSP are in a bot friendly configuation, bots are dumb ******** :P
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Re: More realistic flight physics for littlebird pls

Post by ballard_44 »

Continue this discussion in the MP version of this thread.


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