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Posts: 2196
Joined: 2006-07-10 09:07


Post by Michael_Denmark »

The content posted here is part of the Project Reality Commander text, but since i haven't had time to complete the sections positioned before the AOR parts of the text, i now post the bulk of the main AOR part in this separate thread.


My AOR system is based on minimalism, a design style, stripping things down to the essentials.
That is why I embedded a few pieces of minimalist music, known for its repetition and iteration.

Area Of Responsibility, in short AOR, is the simple game system I designed for Project Reality Commanders back in 2006.

The purpose of the system is to provide the CO function with a simple battle focused tool, dividing wanted parts of the map up into both unit and mission based areas. AOR is a three dimensional system which can be used on all levels of war; tactical, operational and the strategical level. Individual players can use it too, including air and sea players, even in combination with each other. Area Of Responsibility is therefore a simple and flexible tool, providing great potential, to any commander based, organised battle behavior.

My motivation for designing the system, was to try to encounter the strongly opportunistic style, which Project Reality players had played the game with, for years. So even though I designed the system as a tool for defensive operations only, it can also be used for offensive operations.

With those words, I will now show you the simplicity of both the theory and practice of the AOR zone system.

The Theory Circle
AOR sliced out


Below is described a basic example, of how the system work in principle.

As you can see, three PR squads, named 1, 2 and 3, has been designated their own Area Of Responsibility, named North, Center and South. Each AOR consist of three specific map grids, used to draw up three differently purpose focused, battle spaces, called zones, the Safe, Shield and Sword zones. All three zones are logical connected, restricted in purpose and organised thereafter.

Example 1 start

Squad 1 is designated the NORTH AOR, consisting of the following zones: A1, A2 and A3

Squad 2 is designated the CENTER AOR, consisting of the following zones: B1, B2 and B3

Squad 3 is designated the SOUTH AOR, consisting of the following zones: C1, C2 and C3

Example 1 end

Purpose of the zones
Every AOR zone has a specific battle related purpose, directly interlinked with each other in a logical manner. Those will be described later on in the text.

The AOR drawer
As mentioned above, AOR works on all levels. So in theory, the commander therefore draw up both the team defined AOR and its sub unit defined AORs too. Otherwise the risk of breaking with his logcis, potentially increase. This is particular important before a battle, during the planning process. At least until the commanders logic, has been firmly established on the team as a whole.

In the other end of the process, when the battle is in progress, the XO / 2IC could be the drawer too. In this situation, it is vital that the drawer maintain the commander intent, so the pattern of the team based logic, again based on the commanders logic, is not broken or diverged from.

But principle speaking, it should always be the commander who draw up the team based AOR, since this drawing, both display the focus of the strategy, the operational room, the defined sub unit AORs and the line of supply as well. During a campaign, consisting of several battles, the division of labor often develop into a teamwork, where the commander will define a team based AOR, from where the XO / 2IC, draw up the squad AORs, in collaboration with the individual squad leaders, or if you will, AOR leaders. Because that is the name of such a leader.

In order to draw up the most logical and useful AOR-zones, it is important that the drawer has as much information available about the battle-map as possible. The AOR Leader is supposed to gather information (Intel) about his AOR. In many cases the AOR Leader (when proficient in AOR thinking) can recommend the areas of the individual zones within an AOR, so the drawer does not need to imagine how the 3D map looks like. For instance, it can be a bit tricky, to understand precisely where the defined borders, between the zones.
XO stands for Executive Officer. The XO is typically responsible for the management of rutine activities, freeing the commander to concentrate on strategy and planning the unit's next move.

2IC stands for The Second-In-Command, and is the equivalent of the XO.
Experience is key
So in most situations, precise information is vital, for the AOR to be defined most effectively. Meaning, in order to benefit maximal from the AOR system, experience is key. The way forward here, consist of in depth analysis and discussions, on all levels of the battle. This supported by related training and when possible battles versus organised teams. Do not expect the system will work perfectly, just because you read this text. Both theory and practice are needed.

But lets get back to the zones. before we go in depth here, lets take a look on another setup, of the Safe, Shield and Sword AOR zones. This time only designated for one squad:
  • Safe (A1)
  • Shield (B1)
  • Sword (C1)
As you can see, the system is straightforward and simple.

The three basic zones are not necessarily essential to ensure the survival of the spawn asset in the Safe zone, however, their presence will make it more simple to keep that vital asset functioning.

The zones

First a few definitions used in the zone tematics:
  • Squad Sized, is defined as anything allocated a squad-command; the rally-point, the ammo-dump, an AA-gun, a single vehicle and so on.
  • Team Sized, is defined as anything allocated a team-command; the FOBs, multiple vehicles, multiple assets of all kinds.
And with that, now to the description of the three basic zones:
The SAFE Zone

The safe zone is principally located in the rear of the AOR.

The purpose of the safe zone is to have a place inside the AOR, where the unit/s can operate as safe as possible.

Spawn assets (squad and or team sized), supply crates, helicopter landing zones (air infantry) and vehicles/other assets on standby are normally deployed in the safe zone.

Reinforcement from the team (other friendly forces) normally enter the AOR in the safe zone, and do so either by spawning if possible, or by moving into the zone using pre-planned entry points.

Regrouping own forces in the AOR can be processed in the safe zone.

Essentially the safe zone is the place in the AOR where the distance to the enemy is longest and the terrain supports the ability to deploy assets as safely and as hidden as possible.


The shield zone is principally located between the safe zone and the sword zone.

The primarily purpose of the shield zone is to protect the safe zone and secondarily to create room of operational creativity for the unit assigned to the AOR. The operational creativity is defined as the enemy focused battle dynamic (static or manoeuvre-processed), inside and between the sword and the shield zone.

The operational creativity can however include other types of zones too, including the safe zone, although that option is not to be recommended, unless a.) All other options are identified and used b.) It is a part of the battle plan to make use of it.

Spawn assets deployed in the shield-zone are normally on the squad-sized level.

Reinforcement will normally move into the shield zone from the safe zone, using pre-planned entry points between the two zones. However other bordering zones can be used for such operation as well.

Essentially the shield zone is the place in the AOR where the terrain supports the ability to fight defensively on own terms. Thus know thy self.

The SWORD Zone

The sword zone is principally located in front of the shield zone.

The primarily purpose of the sword zone is to create and maintain the ability of conducting a successful offensive fight on own terms.

The AOR related purpose of the sword zone is to establish the focus and direction area of offensive operations in the AOR it self. The sword zone is as a rule, The AOR zone, of which enemy presence are expected to be encountered first.

Hence the PR CO creating a battle plan, where every AOR is pointing in one specific direction, but in battle realises that the first heavy enemy presence being encountered, is in the safe zones, needs to rethink whether wanting to play PR CO again using the AOR system.

Normally no static assets are deployed in the sword zone. However, depending on the situation, exceptions can be made. Sandbags, razor wire, AA-Guns and other passive assets belong to the exception. Planning wise though, deploying assets in the sword zone is not to be recommended, since the zone usually is too loaded with destruction-dynamics.

Reinforcement will normally move into the sword zone from the shield zone, using pre-planned entry points between the two zones. However other bordering zones can be used for such operation as well.

Essentially the sword zone is the place in the AOR where the terrain supports the ability to fight offensively on own terms. Thus know thy self.
The three basic zones have been tested countless times on three team-levels, being the squad, the platoon and the team. Other types of zones can be attached the three basic zones of the AOR system. When they are added the zone system begin to make more sense in the battle.

The additional zones are as minimum as follows:
  • Sweep
  • Search
  • Scout
  • Strafe
  • Squeeze

The SWEEP Zone

The sweep zone can be deployed as follows:
  • Adjacent to a specific part or parts of an AOR
  • Around a whole AOR
  • Adjacent to a specific part or parts of two or more combined AOR?s
  • Around two or more combined AOR?s
  • Inside an AOR (used in specific situations only ? so not recommended for AOR beginners)
However the deployment of the sweep zone is not dogmatic. It can be deployed anywhere on the map. A sweeping party can consist of separated arms or combined arms. Hence a single transport helicopter equipped only with a machinegun, can make it out for a sweeping party. An individual trooper can be so as well. It all depends on the tactical situation or plan.

The primarily purpose of the sweep zone is to remove an ordered amount of enemy assets and or troops located within the borders of the zone.

Practical this is done by deploying a specific unit, the sweeping party, conducting destruction and or combat patrolling throughout the zone until ordered otherwise. Hence the enemy is to be annoyed from the operations of the sweeping party.

For instance when the enemy use concentration and weight on a defensive AOR, performing static defense from its shield zone, then the mission of the sweeping party could be to annoy the attacking enemy formations, by going around them and continuously destroying their rally points, using hit and run attacks.

In the same situation the sweeping party could also be ordered to simply conduct a sweep on the enemy troops, by attacking them in their flank or in their rear (while they are still attacking own defending units inside the shield zone in the defensive AOR).

Assets in the sweep zone normally only come into the picture when the sweeping party consist of an infantry unit, deploying a temporary rally point. In some cases though, the sweeping party is not supposed to use time on deployment of own spawn asset, but instead using a nearby one (squad or team sized) in a nearby safe zone.

Reinforcement is normally not allocated to the sweep zone, since it in theory (and most battles as well) is a low reinforcement-priority zone, deployed only to support the outer perimeter of the three basic zones.

Essentially the sweep zone is not dependent on terrain values, although the use of the terrain inside the zone is important in relation to the tactical situation. Sweep direction, sweep sound and sweep speed are some of those factors needing attention in the decision-making of the sweep related leader: The Sweep Leader, The AOR Leader and or The Commander.

The SCOUT Zone

The scout zone is normally deployed in front or adjacent to the sword zone (s), thus in the direction of the enemy. However the scout zone, can just as the sweep zone, be deployed in a variety of locations.

The purpose of the scout zone is to gather information about elements in the battle dynamic. The primary information type is the enemy and his location, his force and his actions/reactions. The scout zone can be close, deep and forced up. It all depends on the tactical situation as well as the plan.

In some cases the unit deployed in the scout zone, creates the foundation of the commanders decision-making during example offensive operations.

Depending on the unit type and size, being designated as scout unit, assets are only used if they do not delay the scout unit in accomplishing its mission. Hence all types of assets can in theory be deployed in the scout zone, although normally, not many will be.

The scout zone will under normal circumstances only be reinforced when in-force scouting-operations are to be processed. Otherwise the deployed scout unit is normally left to it self, except in cases where air support of different kinds, or indirect fire support is available.

Essentially the terrain in the scout zone is depending on some sort of features enabling the unit to seek cover and concealment, while accomplishing the mission. The exception can be when a jet fighter is ordered to be the scout unit.


The search zone is normally deployed in front or adjacent to the sword zone (s), thus in the direction of the enemy. However the search zone, can just as the scout and sweep zone, be deployed in a variety of locations. Actually it can be deployed anywhere on the map.

One of these variants, being deployed anywhere on the map, can be the deep deployed inside enemy territory search, where more than one search unit can be assigned. Deep-deployed search zone, is defined as being out of reach from the main part of friendly forces or bases.

On certain insurgent maps for instance, a search-zone could be beneficial to deploy deep inside enemy territory, creating the agreed frame for searching out those enemy assets. The beneficial part comes when example friendly air units know that the search zone in regard to example strafe-missions is out-of-bounds since friendly forces operate there.

The purpose of the search zone is to search out and destroy enemy assets or troops. Or both.

Depending on the unit type and size, being designated as search unit (s), assets are only used if they do not delay the unit (s) in accomplishing the search mission. Hence all types of assets can in theory be deployed in the search zone.

The search zone will in general only be reinforced when the situation requires so. But normally the deployed search unit (s) is left to it/them self?s. Support options, indirect fire or air support, will, as basic rule be available for the search zone depending on the Commanders decision.

Essentially the terrain in the search zone is depending on features enabling the search unit (s) to use cover and concealment, while accomplishing the mission. The exception can be when a jetfighter is ordered to be the search unit.

The search zone can be viewed and used as an individual AOR zone.

The STRAFE Zone (Air Zone)

The strafe zone is a special zone, which in practical terms is treated like a basic AOR consisting of three zones. However, although the strafe zone is treated like this, it is on the team-sized level (the CO level) an additional zone to the AOR system.

The strafe zone is usually deployed around entire AOR?s or behind enemy lines.

The purpose of the strafe zone is to annoy enemy ground units by air attacks. Bringing disorder in the enemy formations, regroupings and communications, are all key words related to the strafe zone.

The strafe zone does not embed any assets, unless these are located on a friendly airfield positioned inside the strafe zone. Hence, assets allocated the strafe zone, are normally deployed on a friendly airfield.

The strafe zone will only be reinforced when the situation requires so. But normally the deployed strafe unit (s) is left to it/them self?s. Support options, indirect fire or air support, will, as basic rule be available for the strafe zone depending on the Commanders decision.

Essentially the terrain in the strafe zone must be of such type that it is tactically reasonably to deploy the zone and its important air unit (s) too. So a dense urban area, with tree cover on every road and multiple enemy AA assets, is unless the situation demands it, or friendly ground support is able to counter those factors, not a sound area to deploy a strafe zone above.

The strafe zone can for the pilots and ground units operating in firing distance, be divided into three basic Air zones, enabling an improved overview of the often rapid dynamic, in such a zone.

The three zones are completely the same as the three basic AOR zones:
  • Safe: Depending on the situation, either very high or very low altitude.
  • Shield: Inside clouds or close to heat signatures on the ground.
  • Sword: Depending on the situation, either very high or very low altitude.


The squeeze zone is a variant of the sword zone, deployed where defending enemy forces are to be pressured to termination, from either direct-converging opposing side/flank-attacks or from one side/flank only, while the opposite side/flank demonstrate a more static operation. Hence in such case Hammer and Anvil classic.

The squeeze zone is only deployed when a beneficial tactical situation like desperate static enemy defense, makes it possible for the zone to emerge. Hence the squeeze zone is basically a sword zone that instantly receives all the assets and troops available (normally the entire team or more than 2/3 of it) in order to terminate the enemy as fast as possible, so operations can move on.

The purpose of the squeeze zone is to compress the enemy to he is totally eliminated.

The squeeze zone normally involves all the assets deployed in the sword zone (s) and any related zone too.

The squeeze zone will normally be reinforced with everything available.

Essentially the terrain in the squeeze zone must be of such type that it is tactically reasonably to deploy it and thereafter order all units allocated to it (usually the entire team) to conduct this highly intense offensive operation.

The SIEGE Zone

The siege zone is a variant of the sword zone, deployed where most/all of the defending enemy forces are located in a closed area making it perfect to initiate a bombardment of them. Constant bombardment or long ranged fire trying to terminate the remains of the enemy tickets or to provoke the enclosed enemy to conduct counterattacks on own surrounding defensive perimeter-set-up. Failed counterattacks that is.

The siege zone is only deployed when a static tactical situation makes it possible for it to emerge. For instance when you feel you don?t have enough tickets to storm a fortress, or that last enemy flag etcetera or when you want to provoke the enemy to make impulsive non-calculated counterattacks in an attempt to break out of the besieged area.

The purpose of the siege zone is to use methodical and ongoing fire (indirect fire when possible) eliminating the enemy inside the siege zone, while a defensive perimeter around the zone is deployed. This defensive perimeter must be solid defensive positions able to stop any enemy counterattack attempting to break out. Whether if the defensive perimeter is to consist of a regular line or multiple conjunctive strong points is all situational.

The siege zone normally involves all the assets deployed in the sword zone (s) and any other related zone. The assets involved in the bombardment has highest priority in relation to skilled players, communication, ammunition and the assets position on the map.

The siege zone will normally be reinforced with everything available due to the fact that the enemy is concentrated inside the zone.

Essentially the terrain in the siege zone must be of such type that it is tactically reasonably to deploy it. Closed terrain surrounded by wide-open ground is the normal characteristics describing the siege zone. The besieging force has to be deployed on the far side of the wide-open ground while the enemy has to be deployed inside the closed terrain.


In short to create simplicity out of the complexity in the fluctuating dynamic of the Project Reality battle.
  • Simplicity in your plan
  • Simplicity for your team
  • Simplicity for every AOR assigned unit
  • Simplicity for every fire team fighting inside their AOR zone
  • Simplicity for the individual player fighting inside his AOR zone
  • Simplicity for the unit (squad normally) reinforcing an AOR under enemy pressure (The AOR Leader normally takes command of the reinforcing squad in order to maintain simplicity within the AOR)

Additional comments

AOR's can be deployed continously throughout the battle-round, thus the restricted area the AOR squad is fighting in, is always situational. However when being on the defense, it can be recomended to use the same AOR set-up as long as possible. Offensive AOR practice normaly require several AOR plans.

The reason to draw up a responsibility area for the PR team is both to organize all the squads in a simple way in where they cover vital areas of the battle map collectively and at the same time achieve some freedom of initiative, including potential freedom of movement inside their AOR?s.

Furthermore, when a squad is designated an AOR, it will familiarise it self with the terrain inside all the AOR zones, thereby increasing the tactical knowledge of the squad, providing a potential combat-advantage even when the squad in battle is out-gunned, out-numbered and out-manoeuvred.

The designated AOR units tactical knowledge about how to use the individual AOR with tactical superiority is key to this entire game system.

The best foundation for that tactical knowledge is to a.) Make sure its possible for the squad to do Intel on the AOR before the battle and b.) In situations where option a. is not possible, ensuring you only designate the AOR on common-known-areas on a map, or c.) In situations where option b. is not possible, only designate the AOR on common-unknown-areas, so your enemy know as little about the area as you do.

The tactical knowledge obtained by the individual AOR squad will also benefit the other squads on the team. Not only when squads share knowledge at example team evaluations (tournament), but also in situations where other squads are reinforcing an AOR. This fact goes for all AOR squads/units on the team.

The AOR system has in specific tactical situations, documented battle-round superiority when the CO due to technical weather is offline. The title for those situations is Static AOR Defense.

In battle-cases where the communication between you and the team is lost, due to example tech weather, the AOR system will on the in-game screen, show where the elements of your team is deployed at present moment.

So when in example you view the dots from a squad constantly staying/moving in its pre-planned Shield Zone for a longer time, although the planning orders from you, explicit underline that this very squad must stay as much as possible in its sword zone, then you will know that either the squad is sitting down and drinking digital coffee or its simply engaged by the enemy in its shield zone.

My main reasons for using the AOR system in the tournament campaigns were many, but in overall they can be listed into three headlines:

1. Tactical team sized overview

To provide my team with a simple overview of the initial two battle phases in any round played. Normally those were the movement and deployment/defense phases.

2. The tactical thinking team

Encouraging the players to think tactical when they got acquainted with their squad AOR. In situations where the players was able to use time before a battle, they could simply walk around their AOR spotting out useful ambush positions, useful deception positions, useful defense positions, useful retreat routes, useful rally point locations, useful supply zones, useful landing zones, useful ammo positions, useful entry points, possible enemy attack routes and so on. The restricted battle-space of the AOR would simply make them more tactical focused than otherwise.

3. Team sized flexibility

To play with a flexible command structure that opened up for individual squad leaders taking command of one or more AOR squads for a certain period of time, however only when granted by the CO or as an agreed trigger order.

Map: Kyongan Ni
AOR - example I
The simple system with its zones


AOR - example II
The designated unit moving from SAFE to SHIELD


AOR - example III
The designated unit moving from SHIELD to SWORD


AOR - example IV
The designated unit fighting through SWORD


AOR - example V
Reinforcements moving into SAFE


AOR - example VI
The designated units regrouping for Team Sized operation


AOR - example VII
Result of the Team Sized operation



Operation Ghost Train
Team Sized Defensive AOR Battle Plan
Tournament Campaign 5 -PELA TEAM

The back-up plan, made first, after the map was announced by the tournament administration. It was also my first intention to defend my part of the river, successfully, until I had the ticket balance in my favor, creating the opportunity for our counterattack. However, a specific offensive timing, found by a great Math on our team, made me decide to attack from start instead. An attack that failed, due to disconnections as we crossed the bridge, forcing me to fall back on the back-up plan instead, which we used for the rest of the round, until we were overrun, again due to a large amount of disconnections on our team.
Squad Sized AOR Battle Plan: Alpha Defensive AOR
Tournament Campaign 5 - PELA, Battle I

Alpha Squad AOR solution, made by GrayeKnight, who later became Tournament Lead.

Zone descriptions:

The Safe zone is located in main grids H6 and G6
- lots of concealment here and max distance to the enemy

The Shield zone is located in main grids G5 and H5
- a hill rule the west part of this zone and in the east part the river makes it out of a great fire range against anyone crossing

The Sword zone is located in main grid G4
- closest distance to the enemy and with the potential to base any counterattack into hostile territory
Tournament Campaign 5 - PELA, Battle I

Air plan description

Note that the air plan primarily focus on supporting the ground AORs with supply crates, in their safe zones, being;
  • E5
  • F6
  • G6
  • H6
- and only secondarily focus on transporting infantry. Although we did use quite some time to find solutions for Air-mining, being the drop of C4 charges from high altitude, timing their explosions as to their drop speed and the altitude, we never exploited this otherwise successful tactic to the full extend. The altitude orders are not presented in this layout.

My Air battle advice, for you as commander, is to participate in the training and planning with the pilots them selfs. They often perceive the map differently, providing you - perhaps with new ideas, like training to drop C4 charges from high altitude, on a hovering enemy helicopter.
Please do not believe you lost the air battle, when your team lost its close air support, while the opposing team still has its available. That situation is also a great opportunity for a crazy mission.

Qwai River
Squad Sized AOR: Charlie Offensive AOR
Tournament Campaign 5 - PELA, Battle II


Hills Of Hamyong
Team sized setup of three defensive squad AORs, named North, Center and South
Tournament Campaign 5 - PELA, Battle III


The squad sized North AOR
Tournament Campaign 5 - PELA, Battle III

The squad sized Center AOR
Tournament Campaign 5 - PELA, Battle III

The squad sized South AOR
Tournament Campaign 5 - PELA, Battle III

Squad Sized AOR: West AOR
Tournament Campaign 5 - PELA, Battle III

The AOR system is the nucleus for both my commander guide and hopefully, my book too. I hope my system will at least inspire you, or perhaps help you, to win that battle ahead of you. Thank you for watching and hopefully listening too. Your comments and criticism are most welcome.
To end this text - One last Soliton

Draft text

AOR in theory and the system
In most battles the three basic zones are what the PR CO needs the most, in order to win the round. That is a documented fact from the PELA and CATA 2 periods.
Last edited by Michael_Denmark on 2019-12-09 13:45, edited 167 times in total.
Define irony. A bunch of guys playing PR year after year. A game teaching initiative as the prime mover.
However, in regard to EA, these guys never took the initiative.

We who play these kinds of games are the first generation of war robot pilots.Today we pilot a camera in 3D heaven,Tomorrow...
Posts: 2080
Joined: 2007-04-08 17:28


Post by HunterMed »

I am a fan of the AOR system.
Knowing Safe, Shield and Sword was a huge help to me being SL and also CO later.
I often catch myself thinking in those zones during public gameplay and try to enforce this style in my gaming.
So this really caught me :)

The other zones I havent read them yet. Will do so later

only thing that bothers me a bit is that now NATO also knows this now ;)
but I guess it is for a greater good that also public players can experience this...
Posts: 5336
Joined: 2007-04-03 07:12


Post by cyberzomby »

EPIC post! Will read it later when I has more time'ings on my hand!
Posts: 2196
Joined: 2006-07-10 09:07


Post by Michael_Denmark »

Thx Hunter

We are at least two AOR fans then.

It’s really nice to hear that you think in the system from time to time when playing public. Even better to hear that you try and enforce the style in your gaming.

Although the system probably isent ready for it yet, i think it would benifit the community as a whole, if it was to be implemented in Project Reality, as a battle-plan-option placed on the CO screen next to Artillery and those support-buttons. A simple real-time drag and drop drawing feature, able to deploy individual as well as combined AOR's on the battle map for all team players to see.

Oh well...dreams may also come true :-9


NATO, yes absoluty. However they probably have their own system up already?

Last edited by Michael_Denmark on 2009-08-16 17:27, edited 1 time in total.
Define irony. A bunch of guys playing PR year after year. A game teaching initiative as the prime mover.
However, in regard to EA, these guys never took the initiative.

We who play these kinds of games are the first generation of war robot pilots.Today we pilot a camera in 3D heaven,Tomorrow...
Posts: 1865
Joined: 2007-04-21 12:32


Post by arjan »

I dont really understand it, ill try reading it again :$
Posts: 2196
Joined: 2006-07-10 09:07


Post by Michael_Denmark »

Copy arjan

Hopefully there is something you do understand in it?

on note: i will post some/all of the plans having been made out of this system. Requested those in another thread. Hopefully those will clear things.
Last edited by Michael_Denmark on 2009-08-20 20:12, edited 1 time in total.
Define irony. A bunch of guys playing PR year after year. A game teaching initiative as the prime mover.
However, in regard to EA, these guys never took the initiative.

We who play these kinds of games are the first generation of war robot pilots.Today we pilot a camera in 3D heaven,Tomorrow...
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