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Project Reality Campaign 8 Signups

Posted: 2009-08-21 13:18
by Gaz
Take your positions, soldiers! The Project Reality Team are proud to announce that our very own Project Reality Tournament is about to re-open signups for Campaign 8! Whether you’re a casual gamer or veteran clan member, we have the ultimate Project Reality experience waiting for you.

Will you defend CATA, their oil, and their right to freedom? Or will you join forces with the NATO armies, in a last ditch attempt to save the West? Sign-up now and join the action!
Click on the image to find out how to sign up!

The PRT Admin Team have been hard at work to ensure that the tournament infrastructure's all in place to make sure this campaign is the best yet! Along with the usual updates, improvements and new additions include:
  • Servers provided by our UK sponsors, Alpha-Networks
  • Fully automated signups - No delay in being assigned to a team!
  • Updated BattlePlanner - New areas and maps, and quicker to use!
  • Alternative game modes - Making use of PR's most exciting game modes!
Signups open on the 22nd August at precisely 20:00 hrs, PRT Time. You can check the Tournament site and keep an eye on the countdown to H Hour; when signups go live! Have fun in the Project Reality Tournament and see you on the battlefield, soldier!

UPDATE: Please note, that provisional signups have now closed. However, signups do re-open during Campiagns from time to time to replace inactive team members, so make sure you keep an eye on the tournament website!

-The Project Reality Team

Re: Campaign 8 Signups

Posted: 2009-08-21 13:37
by Hietaa
We are actually getting decent servers with BR on? :shock:

Re: Campaign 8 Signups

Posted: 2009-08-21 14:35
by J.F.Leusch69
hey cool!

a question:
i was banned from the PRT forums, maybe because i already sign up (cant remember if i did or just looked at) so can the ban be lifted?

this is the message i get:
vBulletin Message

You have been banned for the following reason:
No reason was specified.

Date the ban will be lifted: Never

EDIT: i just had to resgin the forums rules for some reasons :)

Re: Campaign 8 Signups

Posted: 2009-08-21 15:08
by Wilkinson
woot. This will be fun

Re: Campaign 8 Signups

Posted: 2009-08-21 16:00
by Gaz
Looking forward to seeing the interest :)

Re: Campaign 8 Signups

Posted: 2009-08-21 17:09
by Bo$$Man
Oooh! Thinking about the Tournament makes my skin shiver!

Re: Campaign 8 Signups

Posted: 2009-08-21 19:20
by Aquiller
Thanks to Alpha-Network for the servers!

Re: Campaign 8 Signups

Posted: 2009-08-21 20:52
by Gore
So I've never played in the tourney, can it be compared to the community events?

Re: Campaign 8 Signups

Posted: 2009-08-21 23:23
by Jigsaw
GoreZiad wrote:So I've never played in the tourney, can it be compared to the community events?
The PRT is the pinnacle of competitive project reality gaming. The level of teamwork and organisation is far superior to that of the community events.

On the other hand it is a far more serious commitment. A campaign lasts months on end and each team generally expects you to be training or participating in battles 3 times a week at least. So make sure you can commit before signing up because when you do commit youself you will be rewarded with the best PR experience around.

Re: Campaign 8 Signups

Posted: 2009-08-21 23:27
by Gore
Okay, the more teamplay the better. Am I bound to the team I sign up to, as I frequently see people on regular servers with CATA and NATO tags?

Re: Campaign 8 Signups

Posted: 2009-08-21 23:34
by Razick
You can transfer between teams but most people stay on the team they choose or are assigned. Doesnt really matter what team your in youll enjoy it if you stay.

Re: Campaign 8 Signups

Posted: 2009-08-21 23:44
by D2v0n279
Sweet a tournament! Finaly I might get off the pub servers and into some real fun!

Re: Campaign 8 Signups

Posted: 2009-08-21 23:56
by 0rpheus
Wow, this sound insanely fun! I've been away from PR for a while and I'm not a super l33t player, but not the worst one either. Should I join ...?

Re: Campaign 8 Signups

Posted: 2009-08-22 00:14
by Jigsaw
If you are willing to put in the time and effort then there is no reason why anyone shouldn't sign up. I cannot stress those two factors enough however.

Re: Campaign 8 Signups

Posted: 2009-08-22 08:30
by Sgt.BountyOrig
Less than 12 hours,
When the signups open, your on your own!

Re: Campaign 8 Signups

Posted: 2009-08-22 11:51
by Levesly
8 hours 8 mins till sign ups start!!!!

Re: Campaign 8 Signups

Posted: 2009-08-22 11:54
by Cptkanito

Re: Campaign 8 Signups

Posted: 2009-08-22 12:22
by McBumLuv
Levesly wrote:-
7 hours 38 minutes till signups!

And good job putting the PRt time on the PR forums :p

Re: Campaign 8 Signups

Posted: 2009-08-22 13:23
by Levesly
6 hrs 37 min now!!

does this count as spam or important public service announcements?

Re: Campaign 8 Signups

Posted: 2009-08-22 13:33
by HunterMed
mhh... I dont know if I can be there 20 PRT :(

Hopefully it isnt run over in 2-3 hours after that I am back again and will get a spot hopefully