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[Video] HAT vs noob cobra

Posted: 2009-09-03 18:15
by cocobutter333
Royal =Makavelli= getting shot out the cobra by =MeRk=Kdotman using HAT, not so royal eh?...

YouTube - Only The Begining

- Link fixed

Re: [Video] HAT vs noob cobra

Posted: 2009-09-03 18:19
by Rissien
When will people learn to stop hovering in the Cobra? Yeah its easier for the gunner to shoot but they get hat sniped all the time.

Re: [Video] HAT vs noob cobra

Posted: 2009-09-03 18:24
by Smegburt_funkledink
Awesome, that'll learn 'im.

and.... choon!

Re: [Video] HAT vs noob cobra

Posted: 2009-09-03 18:38
by StuTika
Very nice and all, but the problem is you really can't use laser guided missiles without staying still for at least a few seconds...

Re: [Video] HAT vs noob cobra

Posted: 2009-09-03 22:34
by Mad-Mike
YouTube link doesnt work! :? : :-x :roll :?

Re: [Video] HAT vs noob cobra

Posted: 2009-09-03 22:43
by gazzthompson
Mad-Mike wrote:YouTube link doesnt work! :? : :-x :roll :?
click the link under it, or quote the fail tagged link and copy and paste it.

cocobutter333, when posting in youtube tags you only need the code after the '=' sign inbetween the tags.

Re: [Video] HAT vs noob cobra

Posted: 2009-09-03 22:46
by Sidewinder Zulu
Nice shot!
Popped him right out of the sky. :)

Re: [Video] HAT vs noob cobra

Posted: 2009-09-03 23:16
by Mad-Mike
great shot! nd thnx gaz mate

Re: [Video] HAT vs noob cobra

Posted: 2009-09-26 18:31
by UKrealplayER666
Did this to a blackhawk at full speed once, great fun telling them that you hit them with a HAT not AA lol

Re: [Video] HAT vs noob cobra

Posted: 2009-09-26 19:20
by -=TB=-Tobakfromcuba

testing to post youtube videos

Re: [Video] HAT vs noob cobra

Posted: 2009-09-26 22:54
by myles
i never try take antyhing out of the sky with lats or hats only aa but if im on the insurgents i always shoot at the helis with my rpg feels realistic and makes it coool for the pilot when i always miss him.

Re: [Video] HAT vs noob cobra

Posted: 2009-09-27 13:45
by =Romagnolo=
Haha, nice. I did that once too, near the docks.

Re: [Video] HAT vs noob cobra

Posted: 2009-09-27 13:51
by Nox.
Yeah, well, that happens when newbies rush into cobras. I wonder when people are gonna learn that attack helis are for CAS purposes and should appear only when called in by ground forces.

Re: [Video] HAT vs noob cobra

Posted: 2009-09-27 16:06
by Mad-Mike
-=TB=-Tobakfromcuba wrote:

testing to post youtube videos
nice work :lol: add sound next time lol got bored :wink:

Re: [Video] HAT vs noob cobra

Posted: 2009-09-27 17:37
by Rissien
HAT whore lol, some nice hits.