asides the posters above me (all VERY good advice)
just a little tidbit:
1. keep all your orders precise and coherent.
2. don't over think the situation too much.
3. don't let the enemy dictate your actions, force the enemy to react... i.e. if the battle is becoming a slugfest, its your chance to go flank while the rest of the team is engaged.
4. constantly relay info to the rest of the team-VERY important-
5. if possible, work with another squad.. too many times you will see the team working on different objectives or worse, the same one at the same time.
6. if you have to, use your rally like a tripwire, countless times i've been saved by using a rallypoint on my flank. the enemy would overrun it and i would instantly know someone is approaching my 6! (risky tactic though)
heres a little scenario:
while playing Operation Ghost Train, the teams would try and rush bridge, we would just either rush across the bridge with jeeps and force the enemy to defend the southern flag while the rest of the team caps north (we would be ready before they even get to that flag lol), or wait till the enemy makes their locations known and find a good flanking position.
try and remember names of known sqd leaders/players. Learn their tactics and routes by playing multiple games with or versus them on any given map.
with experience you can start gauging how the enemy would attack or move.
read the battlefield by watching your map on a long hump and checking where your team is getting heavily engaged. i.e. dying, vehicle assets disappears, etc.
another great example, again, is Operation Ghost Train . if you manage to cap the northern flag before they cap the southern flag, 70percent of the time the faster enemy players would be heading to the bridge with trucks and jeeps to build a firebase and set defenses
while attempting to get a squad across to flank. and any stragglers would be haggled to get the flag that they left behind.
'This is coming from winning OGT multiple times in under 20min.
if you look at the 2 scenarios, they overlap each other see?
releasing any more strats would not be healthy for me
Just be dynamic, any given situation can dictate what you do, but the enemies actions should not.
you play hard and agressive=higher chance of WIN!
anything else you need, swing by on our website ( no obligations, no recruiting, just good fun with anyone willing to learn and take up the most important position of Project Reality! SQD LDER FTW!
]CIA[ Clan Leader Roguebone (ingame: ]CIA[ Roguehellhound)