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PR:SP Demo Playback: Poor Graphics

Posted: 2009-09-28 22:30
by Marshall
Whenever I play back demos recorded in PR:SP the graphics are terrible, seems like all low.

I play PR MP and SP on mid to high settings and all I want to do is get some good external shots of m pwning bots that I can cut together for a nice video.

Is this a known issue? how can I fix it?

Re: PR:SP Demo Playback: Poor Graphics

Posted: 2009-09-29 06:16
by AfterDune
Never heard of that, whenever I play back something, it looks the same :) .

Something that *may* fix it, I don't know, is this: try to up your demo quality. Open the console ("~" key) and type: sv.demoQuality 10. Then record something and play it back. See if it makes any difference...