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[AAR] Just luck

Posted: 2009-10-02 21:46
by Pronck
a few weeks ago i played operation archer with some of my friends. We were still pinned down at main base, but we got luck. A pilot had hidden a huey for i think 5 minutes outside the base, in a quite area. He came back to pick up some troops, our squad jumped as first in the huey, he flew away directly leaving 3 man of my squad behind (Including medic and grenadier :cry :) . He flew to the castle (weird we said some other coördinates). When we landed at the castle courtyard we didn't took any fire. We searched for some taliban, they werent there, but there was a hideout and a rally point. We destroyed them with our knife and thermite grenades. But when we were heading downstairs we heard a taliban screaming in arabic. We took some tactical positions, (support gunner, officer and rifleman). And yes there they came, some riflemans, rpg's aa-soldiers and a support gunner, about 9 people. We toggled to burst and fired on them, no one had survived it, but the other insurgents were falling back to the castle. Our squadleader called for evacuation, we had to hold our perimiter for 2 minutes. The scouts were already climbing on the castle with their ropes, we shot the most of them down. We couldn't hold the castle with 3 men. And it became even worser, our support gunner got hit (now i realise how many luck we got at the moment). So we lost the most of our firepower. The insurgents were now shooting their rpg's on our position, the officer almost got killed but was still able to pop orange smoke. When the huey came to us he almost got hit by a rpg. I jumped into the huey, but unfortunatly the officer got a fatal hit in his chest when running to the huey :cry: . We jumped in the huey, when we flew away a aa-misile hit the top of the tower. We almost got killed but we had luck. Our act in the batle wasn't very big but we distacted the most of the taliban, so we could destroy 4 caches.

This all happened at the Chicago Insurgency server, it was one of my first battles in project reality at operation archer.

Re: [AAR] Just luck

Posted: 2009-10-03 10:23
by MendozaMan
Sounds to me you need a new insertion pilot, he left half your team behind AND he did not land were he was supposed to. I think I might have been in that match, as I remember a crazy huey extraction at the castle while every insurgent and his mother was shooting RPG's at it.

Good story!

Re: [AAR] Just luck

Posted: 2009-10-03 22:30
by goguapsy
ghost-recon wrote:a few weeks ago i played operation archer with some of my friends. We were still pinned down at main base, but we got luck. A pilot had hidden a huey for i think 5 minutes outside the base, in a quite area. He came back to pick up some troops, our squad jumped as first in the huey, he flew away directly leaving 3 man of my squad behind (Including medic and grenadier :cry :) . He flew to the castle (weird we said some other coördinates). When we landed at the castle courtyard we didn't took any fire. We searched for some taliban, they werent there, but there was a hideout and a rally point. We destroyed them with our knife and thermite grenades. But when we were heading downstairs we heard a taliban screaming in arabic. We took some tactical positions, (support gunner, officer and rifleman). And yes there they came, some riflemans, rpg's aa-soldiers and a support gunner, about 9 people. We toggled to burst and fired on them, no one had survived it, but the other insurgents were falling back to the castle. Our squadleader called for evacuation, we had to hold our perimiter for 2 minutes. The scouts were already climbing on the castle with their ropes, we shot the most of them down. We couldn't hold the castle with 3 men. And it became even worser, our support gunner got hit (now i realise how many luck we got at the moment). So we lost the most of our firepower. The insurgents were now shooting their rpg's on our position, the officer almost got killed but was still able to pop orange smoke. When the huey came to us he almost got hit by a rpg. We jumped into the huey, but unfortunatly the support gunner got a fatal hit in his chest when running to the huey :cry: . We jumped in the huey, when we flew away a aa-misile hit the top of the tower. We almost got killed but we had luck. Our act in the batle wasn't very big but we distacted the most of the taliban, so we could destroy 4 caches.

This all happened at the Chicago Insurgency server, it was one of my first battles in project reality at operation archer.

I wouldve hated to be the medic/grenadier....... once on ramiel some fun stuff happened, but I guy had to do his business so he was AFK @ main, as we chased a bomb car in a HMMVV. As I said "wait... we are chasing a bomb car?"........... BOOOMMM!!!!!!! Hilarity took place. And the guy later on read my post in the forums and told me what happened (he went to do his business and he said "never go to the bathroom during a game or you will lose all the fun"...)