Project Reality Tactical Casualty Care

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Project Reality Tactical Casualty Care

Post by Cavazos »

Project Reality Tactical Casualty Care Field Manual


You Are Medical Assistance

Image In Project Reality we have Medics and we have combat lifesavers (CLS). CLS in the U.S. Army are any soldiers that are provided extra training and equipment that helps sustains a soldier until a Medic or other medical personnel can treat the patient.

Image Since all players in Project Reality (not including Insurgents) have field dressings, you are all automatically qualified CLS. Many times in-game a squad mate is wounded while his buddies do not offer their own personal field dressing to the wounded player. There are times when a squad is without a medic and once a player is wounded, there is still delay in treating any wounded-in-action (WIA). It is as if the players of Project Reality have forgotten all about their field dressings or believe that it would be better to save that field dressing for themselves, yet it may never get use.

Image So there is a need to have players more aware of their healing capabilities no matter what kit you have (except Insurgents of course). Not only can medics help WIA, but you can also help anyone who is WIA which also includes yourself.

Where You, The Medic, Should Be

Image You should always be in a nice safe spot with whoever you are traveling with. Your primary concern is to keep yourself alive and have the necessary skills to successfully keep your team mates alive and kicking. You need to be in the rear of a squad or convoy and if possible have one person or element behind you so that your in the rear yet someone is behind you in case your combat element is flanked.

Image While your combat element works to neutralize enemy threats and completing mission objectives, have any WIA come to you when possible. Only go to them when you have too and when you are able too. If someone is WIA and knocked unconscious but not dead yet, the player's body is too dangerous to go get him. Do not attempt to revive him as you yourself will get WIA or worst killed-in-action (KIA).

Image If a large portion of your squad is neutralized, then your mission is to either smoke your position that also covers friendly bodies as well as much as possible and resuscitate as many squad mates as you can. If you are unable to do that, then you must hide and take cover and wait for the enemy to past so you can revive squad mates without risk of being KIA.

Medical Training For Project Reality

Image Medics and trained players who know how to handle situations when a fellow player on the same team becomes injured helps keeps the team operating at peak efficiency. The more players operating at a higher level of healthiness will give your team an edge when fighting the enemy.

Image Therefore knowing the right thing to do when you or your team mate is wounded will increase your chances of survival and keep the team going towards victory in tickets and battle itself. Your job is to help your buddy stay alive and fighting as you will both cover each other's flank when fighting.

Image All recoverable injuries happen while the player is outside a vehicle and sustains damage to his player model. Players who are in vehicles that are damaged or destroyed can neither take health damage to their player model or be revivable due to the nature of the game. Therefore this guide is focused on healing the player model itself and functions as taking care of combat infantry. There is only one phase when it comes to staying alive and at peak efficiency which is Care Under Fire. This mirrors the U.S. Army medical training doctrine but only takes what is valuable to Project Reality.

Care Under Fire

Image Defined as when a player is wounded in direct combat and is still in the danger zone. According to the Army, you will still be under fire if you attempt to care for the person who is wounded and are in immediate danger. Therefore safety is your highest priority as another casualty only reduces your combat power and increases your workload for medics and CLS.

Image Here are the proper steps to follow and quotations along with it that you can say if you?€™re a medic or CLS personnel. This keeps your role and responsibilities simple and gives you guidance on how you can keep the interaction flowing smoothly and in the direction needed. First thing is first though, the player who has been wounded must notify their squad leader and medic they need medical help. The leader will know who is combat ineffective and the CLS or Medic will know who they need to assist.

1. Attempt to gain fire superiority
"Return fire!"
i. If you do not return fire, you risk endangering your team mates by not securing your sector. The goal of medical attention is to keep you alive, and the number one battlefield medicine for keeping you alive is fire superiority.
2. Have player use cover and concealment
"Take cover!"
i. Rather you have fire superiority or not, you want to use cover first then concealment second to make sure you have a higher chance of surviving and in the event your knocked unconscious (displayed as WOUNDED with a black screen in-game), you provide cover and concealment for any medics that attempt to resuscitate you.
3. Have player use personal medical supplies before using others
"Use your own field dressing!"
i. You want the player to use their own field dressing as it is quicker and safer. You do not have to run to the player which saves time and you do not have to run into the danger zone which saves your life.
4. Have player move to your position
"Move to me!"
i. By having the player move to your position instead of you moving to their position, you do not put yourself at danger for the very same reason that person is WIA. Both CLS and the Medic can complete up to this step. Move to Step 8 if the player is able to move to your position (CLS included).


5. Determine if the player is revivable
"Are you dead?"
i. There are times when players are dead and do not tell the medic. This puts the medic at risk unnecessarily. How pointless would it be for a medic to run to a player's body attempting to resuscitate them, be shot dead while trying to help their team mate to only find out they were dead in the first place. This is a complete waste of time, tickets, and puts the squad at danger by not having a medic to help out further casualties.
ii. At this time pop smoke on the injured trooper if they are not dead and you have permission from your team leader.
6. Reassure the WIA player you will resuscitate them
"Hold your spawn! Do not respawn!"
i. Ticket loss is a major component in a team's victory or defeat. Games depend on outlasting the enemy team and every single person that respawns is a ticket lost forever. While everyone should hold respawn unless it is too dangerous to revive the player or the player is dead, medics need to remember to remind players not to respawn if they can revive them.
7. Have the casualty follow you if you revive them at site of being knocked unconscious
"Follow me when you are revived!"
i. The player was knocked unconscious for a reason. Even if the enemy who caused the WIA is neutralized, there are other possible enemy forces in the area. So the medic needs to run in quickly, get the player revived, and return to safe cover and notify the player to follow them.
8. Secure the site of treatment
"Cover your sector while I heal you!"
i. Even though you have moved to safety or find a suitable place to heal the person, the other person must continue to cover the sector he was assigned or the direction which has the highest chance of enemy forces appearing from.
9. Communicate situation with team leader
"Player is fully restored and combat ready team leader!"
i. Sure, the sentence sounds gay but you need to get the message across that the player who was previously WIA and combat ineffective is now back in shape and ready to roll. Good team leaders will be aware of how many players under their command they have operating at full combat efficiency. If you are only CLS and the player is still not fully restored, you need to communicate this with your leader as well.
Last edited by Cavazos on 2011-04-01 22:09, edited 40 times in total.
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Re: Project Reality Tactical Casualty Care

Post by goguapsy »

I disagree with "use your own fielddressing", as I always say KEEP YOUR FIELDDRESSINGS YOU HAVE A MEDIC 2 inches away from you!

Are you dead?
If I didn't play PR I would just sleep trying to figure out this "puzzle"...
Guys, when a new player comes, just answer his question and go on your merry way, instead of going berserk! It's THAT simple! :D

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Re: Project Reality Tactical Casualty Care

Post by Gozjh »

nice guild. thanks for sharing
[R-DEV]Rudd: "its project reality...not an episode of bob the builder or something...."
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Re: Project Reality Tactical Casualty Care

Post by Canuck »

Good stuff!

Medics have a handful of field dressings as well - in really hairy situations it's well worth using them instead of the kit if you are under heavy fire. Can be the difference between surviving the encounter or wiping out. I agree to use bandages, especially your own, especially when time and cover is of the essence. You don't get bonus points for dying with unused bandages :)
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Re: Project Reality Tactical Casualty Care

Post by Tte.oteo »

once of the best guides i seen, all players must start playing like a medics them PR life.
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Re: Project Reality Tactical Casualty Care

Post by PoisonBill »

Nice and clean, good job! Too bad this guide only works with players who listen, mind control is what we need!
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Re: Project Reality Tactical Casualty Care

Post by beginna »

excellent guide.

I really try to play according to the manual.

got quite good response from SL & squadmates.
Posts: 3608
Joined: 2009-05-02 19:44

Re: Project Reality Tactical Casualty Care


I got the impression I was reading a military manual until this:
There are times when players are dead and do not tell the medic.

OFC it's PR but made me laugh.
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Re: Project Reality Tactical Casualty Care

Post by cyberzomby »

Good guide although might take it a bit far for PR (its still a game). Well written and marked up and theres good tips in there.

One thing I do not agree with:
is to either smoke your position that also covers friendly bodies as well as much as possible and resuscitate as many squad mates as you can.
Doing that will invite grenades (launched or thrown) or LATs and even HATs (or TOWS) to be fired in to it. Smoke out the area between you and the enemy to make it harder for them to get lucky.
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Re: Project Reality Tactical Casualty Care

Post by SoB-Rindee »

Lame question, but certainly related, are there certain game modes or maps that do not have a field dressing? I have played on Fallujah a number of times on the Marine Corps side and NOT had a field dressing.

Pretty new to the game still, but on other maps I can see it in my kit.
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Re: Project Reality Tactical Casualty Care

Post by cyberzomby »

Press 9 for the field dressing if its not in your kit selection menu. As blufor you always have a dressing. Wether you can see it in the menu or not.
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Re: Project Reality Tactical Casualty Care


Always try 9, everyone has em I fink.
Last edited by PLODDITHANLEY on 2011-02-18 15:17, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Project Reality Tactical Casualty Care

Post by SoB-Rindee »

Thank you. I see it in the US Army kit all the time, but never in the Marine kit. Ill make sure to check it out next time Im in. :15_cheers
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Re: Project Reality Tactical Casualty Care

Post by Cavazos »

Thank you everyone, I appreciate the kind remarks. I'm glad it is very useful for you. I'm surprised it made a bump back from 2009.
Tte.oteo wrote:once of the best guides i seen, all players must start playing like a medics them PR life.
I happen to be a medic, so I used some experience from there to help my writing.
beginna wrote:excellent guide.

I really try to play according to the manual.

got quite good response from SL & squadmates.
I'm glad you think my list is good enough for you to try to play by my guide. Most of it was second nature to me that i've developed through countless hours of playing PR as a medic, however I still had forget to do all the steps when I played actively.

This is just me listing everything I would do that is useful in a logical sort of list that anyone can follow and help me remember everything I would need to do.
PLODDITHANLEY wrote:I got the impression I was reading a military manual until this:

There are times when players are dead and do not tell the medic.

OFC it's PR but made me laugh.
Yea, lol.
cyberzomby wrote: Good guide although might take it a bit far for PR (its still a game). Well written and marked up and theres good tips in there.

One thing I do not agree with:
is to either smoke your position that also covers friendly bodies as well as much as possible and resuscitate as many squad mates as you can.
Doing that will invite grenades (launched or thrown) or LATs and even HATs (or TOWS) to be fired in to it. Smoke out the area between you and the enemy to make it harder for them to get lucky.
Your quote is off, I didn't say that, although I didn't specify the exact situation when you throw smokes. In my experience, anytime I threw a smoke the body is usually away from the main squad. If i'm with the squad, I am covered and concealed because the other squad mates are on the perimeter protecting me and the downed buddy so I never throw a smoke if me and the body are both in cover already.

I throw a smoke to provide cover where there is none. This can happen when a buddy is out there separated from the squad. Sometimes the body will be in cover, but if i'm away from the squad, I still like smoke for insurance.

The only time I would throw a smoke in the middle of the squad is when we are on a road and the downed buddy is in the middle of the street. I do this because the smoke will be in the open road where any of your squad mates should not be if they practice basic tactical principles.

Even though the squad may be on both sides of the street covering me, it doesn't mean i'm safe in the middle of the road. I'm glad you brought it up though, so me and you could clear that point out and others don't just throw smoke in the middle of their squad. :shock:
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Re: Project Reality Tactical Casualty Care

Post by cyberzomby »

exactly :P I used to do it as well but learned the hard way.
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