You Are Medical Assistance

Where You, The Medic, Should Be

Medical Training For Project Reality

Care Under Fire

"Return fire!"
i. If you do not return fire, you risk endangering your team mates by not securing your sector. The goal of medical attention is to keep you alive, and the number one battlefield medicine for keeping you alive is fire superiority.
2. Have player use cover and concealment
"Take cover!"
i. Rather you have fire superiority or not, you want to use cover first then concealment second to make sure you have a higher chance of surviving and in the event your knocked unconscious (displayed as WOUNDED with a black screen in-game), you provide cover and concealment for any medics that attempt to resuscitate you.
3. Have player use personal medical supplies before using others
"Use your own field dressing!"
i. You want the player to use their own field dressing as it is quicker and safer. You do not have to run to the player which saves time and you do not have to run into the danger zone which saves your life.
4. Have player move to your position
"Move to me!"
i. By having the player move to your position instead of you moving to their position, you do not put yourself at danger for the very same reason that person is WIA. Both CLS and the Medic can complete up to this step. Move to Step 8 if the player is able to move to your position (CLS included).

5. Determine if the player is revivable
"Are you dead?"
i. There are times when players are dead and do not tell the medic. This puts the medic at risk unnecessarily. How pointless would it be for a medic to run to a player's body attempting to resuscitate them, be shot dead while trying to help their team mate to only find out they were dead in the first place. This is a complete waste of time, tickets, and puts the squad at danger by not having a medic to help out further casualties.
ii. At this time pop smoke on the injured trooper if they are not dead and you have permission from your team leader.
6. Reassure the WIA player you will resuscitate them
"Hold your spawn! Do not respawn!"
i. Ticket loss is a major component in a team's victory or defeat. Games depend on outlasting the enemy team and every single person that respawns is a ticket lost forever. While everyone should hold respawn unless it is too dangerous to revive the player or the player is dead, medics need to remember to remind players not to respawn if they can revive them.
7. Have the casualty follow you if you revive them at site of being knocked unconscious
"Follow me when you are revived!"
i. The player was knocked unconscious for a reason. Even if the enemy who caused the WIA is neutralized, there are other possible enemy forces in the area. So the medic needs to run in quickly, get the player revived, and return to safe cover and notify the player to follow them.
8. Secure the site of treatment
"Cover your sector while I heal you!"
i. Even though you have moved to safety or find a suitable place to heal the person, the other person must continue to cover the sector he was assigned or the direction which has the highest chance of enemy forces appearing from.
9. Communicate situation with team leader
"Player is fully restored and combat ready team leader!"
i. Sure, the sentence sounds gay but you need to get the message across that the player who was previously WIA and combat ineffective is now back in shape and ready to roll. Good team leaders will be aware of how many players under their command they have operating at full combat efficiency. If you are only CLS and the player is still not fully restored, you need to communicate this with your leader as well.