A bug or am I doing something wrong?

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A bug or am I doing something wrong?

Post by ebevan91 »

As I type this, all but 2 of 16 AI on my side are at a capture point and it isn't going down and I have been on that point for 10 minutes. The AI commander gave us the order and almost the entire team went there and it's just not capping.
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Re: A bug or am I doing something wrong?

Post by Mad-Mike »

Are you sure it was a flag you can capture?

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Re: A bug or am I doing something wrong?

Post by SgtDad »

Yep - I mentioned this in another thread, found here - https://www.realitymod.com/forum/f308-p ... -87-a.html

X marks the target - 2 or 3 vehicles camping out on it along with several "team mates", and the base won't go down...

It STILL makes me wanna cry... :gloomy:
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Re: A bug or am I doing something wrong?

Post by 666planer »

The AI commander will ask you to attack flags that are untakeable, I have expereinced his poor commands before. You need to take them in the correct order, you will see in the mission briefing how it explain it, but for short if you click tab, or "m" for map you will see certain bases with a yellow sign on it, those are attackable, or part of the battle plans, you cannot take a flag that does not have the yellow mark next to it. Other than that I do not know what your prom is, but I had this problem before and I figured it out cause I wasn't taking them in the correct order.
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Re: A bug or am I doing something wrong?

Post by Just_A_Thought »

666planer wrote:The AI commander will ask you to attack flags that are untakeable, I have expereinced his poor commands before. You need to take them in the correct order, you will see in the mission briefing how it explain it, but for short if you click tab, or "m" for map you will see certain bases with a yellow sign on it, those are attackable, or part of the battle plans, you cannot take a flag that does not have the yellow mark next to it. Other than that I do not know what your prom is, but I had this problem before and I figured it out cause I wasn't taking them in the correct order.
Is there a solution for what to do when almost all of your team is camping out on the wrong flag? I could go in and team kill them, but I'm guessing they would go right back to the wrong flag. (This was on Al Basrah.)

As the rest of my team is 'resting', I'm walking around an eerily empty map. I don't usually come across (m)any enemy bots, either. Are they camping out somewhere, too, or is this a different issue?

On a related note, I've noticed friendly bots getting stuck trying to cross walls that are too high to jump over. And about a squad-worth of them didn't want to go around an attack helicopter that was parked at a base, either. They just kept trying to walk through it. Any solution to this without team-killing? (Can't remember which map, but one set in the Middle East.)
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Re: A bug or am I doing something wrong?

Post by jojomeirenpin »

For the most parts the bots are terrific.though still have some problems and need to be improved,like driving heli and get stuck in street especially in Fallujah.
Reality China http://www.prmod.cn
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