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[Video] Al basrah Fire Fight

Posted: 2009-11-12 18:55
by Herbiie

Had a cool round on Chincago Insurgency - our squad took on the enemy team with some fire and manoeuvre tactics, to some success.

Compound Firefight. - Xfire Video
Compound Firefight 2. - Xfire Video

Squad Leader: Leap Ping (V. Good SL)

Re: [Videos] Al basrah Fire Fight.

Posted: 2009-11-12 19:19
by Ironcomatose
Good stuff. I love seeing videos like that, more realistic and not just over the top head shots and all that ****.

You need a graphics update badly though ;)

Re: [Videos] Al basrah Fire Fight.

Posted: 2009-11-12 19:25
by cyberzomby
Yea nice video with some tacticly gameplay! Gotta love the click click after you healed the SL tho ;)

Re: [Videos] Al basrah Fire Fight.

Posted: 2009-11-13 00:30
by Mad-Mike
Good little firefight m8, you mest need ammo alot, all that supressing you do :smile:
Herbie " did you like ur pressie " :razz: :razz:

Re: [Videos] Al basrah Fire Fight.

Posted: 2009-11-13 10:45
by Herbiie
Ironcomatose wrote:You need a graphics update badly though ;)
Tis my Monitor isn't fast enough to play on high or something :(

I can play on Medium but it's a bit jerky so I play it on Low, but now it's lagging quite a bit - though that may be my interwebz :)