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Quick question

Posted: 2009-11-23 20:25
by HeavensSoul
Is there an in-game ranking system for PRSP? Like would I be able to make an offline account and play and rank up like I would if it was online?

Re: Quick question

Posted: 2009-11-23 20:46
by Drunkenup
If you're talking about how in vBF2 you have the ranks, where you get exp and get ranked? As well as getting new weapons?

That can only be used in vBF2. As this is PR and theres no 4 star General on the field, as well as every weapon is standardized, the rank part has been removed, and the unlockable weapons were never implemented.

Re: Quick question

Posted: 2009-11-23 21:00
by HeavensSoul
Yes that's what I meant. Is there any way for me to keep track of my stats for offline play?

Re: Quick question

Posted: 2009-11-24 00:38
by Hans Martin Slayer
Thank the lord (the dev team in this case) there aint no ranks in PR.

That's a vanilla thing and even there i don't think you can gain ranks in SP, it only works online.

Re: Quick question

Posted: 2009-11-27 10:30
by Pte. Brown
HeavensSoul wrote:...Is there any way for me to keep track of my stats for offline play?
There is one AIX...(sorry I couldn't resist :wink :)

Re: Quick question

Posted: 2009-12-13 20:20
by Calcor
Hey there. I got a question, too.

Is it possible to play PR-SP with one or two friends?

Re: Quick question

Posted: 2009-12-13 20:41
by Mad-Mike
yes! PRSP have coop servers. Also you could download hamachi and play local.

Re: Quick question

Posted: 2009-12-13 21:03
by Calcor
Cool, thanks. :)