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[AAR] Internet Fail

Posted: 2009-12-09 05:43
by JSteger
So i was sniping in PR and than my internet fell down the stairs sooo yea..
Not sure if this is worth a thread but i thought it was funnyz.

Re: Internet Fail

Posted: 2009-12-09 06:16
by LithiumFox
I too have had this happen.

"Wait... Wait... *click*" o.o.... "WTF!??!?!?!" >< *killed* ... "OMGWTFBBQ"

Re: Internet Fail

Posted: 2009-12-09 06:51
by dtacs
Happens countless times in vanilla.

Probably wouldn't have hit him with the .303 anyway :P

Re: Internet Fail

Posted: 2009-12-09 09:01
by nedlands1
Happens all the time to me but with round ending instead.

Re: Internet Fail

Posted: 2009-12-09 09:08
by Nick_Gunar
happens everytime I am the driver of a tank or apc rofl. Never happens when I am marksman/sniper, could be fun though if someone can confirm your killing while disconnected (in mumble or teamspeak :) ).

Re: Internet Fail

Posted: 2009-12-09 09:11
by Anhkhoa
Happens all the time..
"AHH ****"

dtacs wrote:Happens countless times in vanilla.

Probably wouldn't have hit him with the .303 anyway :P
7.62 :-(

Re: Internet Fail

Posted: 2009-12-09 13:26
by Tirak

Re: Internet Fail

Posted: 2009-12-09 16:53
Hehe you're not the only one,


At least I don't think it was just me, I believe the whole server went down(probably because of my awesomeness). Lucky bugger.


Re: Internet Fail

Posted: 2009-12-09 17:42
by Zrix


Re: Internet Fail

Posted: 2009-12-09 17:58
by JSteger
Wow its that common... lol

MOSIN NAGANT $@^@ I miss that gun. I hope they remodel it for 0.9

Re: Internet Fail

Posted: 2009-12-09 23:43
by TheWhaleHunter
I hate it when that happens.

Or when the round just finishes as you're about to do an awesome shot with the Sniper or Hat.

Re: Internet Fail

Posted: 2009-12-14 12:42
by goguapsy
Anhkhoa wrote:Happens all the time..
"AHH ****"

7.62 :-(
.303 or not, the bulletz from thiz gun has an extreme drop. I was making ~400m shot and I had to offset it (upwards) for like, 2 little thingis as I rememer..

Re: [AAR] Internet Fail

Posted: 2009-12-15 23:19
by Misho
Once in a while, unfortunatelly it seems it allways finds me when I´m in the pilotseat of a chopper :P

I got 30-40 ping but then someone with 300+ jumps in and we all go down :D

Re: [AAR] Internet Fail

Posted: 2009-12-16 03:19
by Spuz36
Yea its fun if the server lags for a few seconds before showing the result, if you are a passenger in a vehicle you get to fly around the map a little.

Re: [AAR] Internet Fail

Posted: 2009-12-16 20:34
by Ghost741

Re: [AAR] Internet Fail

Posted: 2009-12-17 00:53
by LyfTaker
Nothing like that has EVER happened to me before........