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Posted: 2009-12-14 23:29
by H.sta
The Norwegian Forces team is searching for modellers that can make vehicles and other objects needed in the development of the Norwegian Forces Faction
Objects currently needed:
Leopard 2A4- Need textures (needs also lower poly, need to be reduced from 20 000 tris to 12 000 tris)
CH 146 need "UV map" and texture
Scania Supply Truck- beeing modeled by munky91
SISU-X- "uv mapping" and textureing
Soft-top troop carrying G-wagon- beeing modeled by cid228
The M113 with Tow
Norwegian style houses- beeing modeled by Lemon
Stridsbåt 90/Combatboat 90- beeing modeled by cid228
Norwegian trees with more branches
Less important stuff:
civilian boat
other small Norwegian statics (road signs etc.)
And NO discussion of assets in this thread, keep this one clean guys
Re: [Request]Modellers/UVmappers/Texturers
Posted: 2009-12-14 23:50
by munky91
I could try to help if you want, I might be able to do the supply truck with the right references.
Re: [Request]Modellers/UVmappers/Texturers
Posted: 2009-12-15 00:02
by pleym
munky91 wrote:I could try to help if you want, I might be able to do the supply truck with the right references.
Scania 93m
It was hard to find photos of that model
Re: [Request]Modellers/UVmappers/Texturers
Posted: 2009-12-15 00:18
by Kenny
I found some pics of that boat I think
Norwegian military pics - Page 3 - Military Photos about halfway down and pleym that's the only pic I have seen of the P93 so far are they rarely used or something impossible to find. Still searching through atm I see what else their is.
Edit caution if your browsing through that forum skip page 25 pic's are huge takes ages to load
Ya out of 38 pages I found 1 lol
Re: [Request]Modellers/UVmappers/Texturers
Posted: 2009-12-15 00:45
by Vitiation
I could probably help out with modelling some simple objects, such as road signs houses and the civi boat.
Re: [Request]Modellers/UVmappers/Texturers
Posted: 2009-12-15 07:19
by Zeno
Vitiation wrote:I could probably help out with modelling some simple objects, such as road signs houses and the civi boat.
IMO if you are going to make something simple, make houses
not the old kind but more modern:
and we also need a boathouse:
or the fishing boats:
Re: [Request]Modellers/UVmappers/Texturers
Posted: 2009-12-15 12:22
by H.sta
I have some pictures of the Scania, i will send them to you as soon as i can
Re: [Request]Modellers/UVmappers/Texturers
Posted: 2009-12-15 22:04
by Sveinovewes
Here is a lot of pictures of the norwegian trucks. (Scania 93, 113, 143 and other stuff)
Millitære kjøretøy
Re: [Request]Modellers/UVmappers/Texturers
Posted: 2009-12-15 22:29
by H.sta
Thanks Svein, a good source, could prove very usefull
Re: [Request]Modellers/UVmappers/Texturers
Posted: 2010-01-02 17:24
by pleym
Re: [Request]Modellers/UVmappers/Texturers
Posted: 2010-01-17 00:26
by H.sta
we still need modders
Re: [Request]Modellers/UVmappers/Texturers
Posted: 2010-04-20 09:20
by Fisk?
Hello, kind of new to the scene of PR. I tried it once before some time ago, but ended up not working so I stopped, but got it working again! So thought I might take a look at the forums! And since I didn't see any danish team of a sort - lol - I thought Scandinavian pride! ^^
And coincidently I'm a 3d graphicer working with 3ds Max, Photoshop, Vray, Zbrush etc.
I'd be more than glad to help you guys out if you want it - Danish, swedish, norweigen. Our shit is more or less similar
- I can throw some reference or test modelling later when I get home.
Re: [Request]Modellers/UVmappers/Texturers
Posted: 2010-04-20 10:49
by H.sta
Yes! we need you!
pm sent
Re: [Request]Modellers/UVmappers/Texturers
Posted: 2010-05-13 23:14
by pleym
The Norwegian PR Forces needs texture artists with focus on weapons
We have some AG-3s that need some maintenance
Re: [Request]Modellers/UVmappers/Texturers
Posted: 2010-05-14 07:18
by KP
Remember, the texture should be based off the PR G3.
Re: [Request]Modellers/UVmappers/Texturers
Posted: 2010-05-31 20:22
by Alucard
i am an american and joining the US army however my mother is from norway orignally so i'd be happy to help in what ever means i can i can do textures im new to it and might take me a while to get into doing it totally but i will try to help with texturing
Re: [Request]Modellers/UVmappers/Texturers
Posted: 2010-05-31 20:39
by pleym
Alucard wrote:i am an american and joining the US army however my mother is from norway orignally so i'd be happy to help in what ever means i can i can do textures im new to it and might take me a while to get into doing it totally but i will try to help with texturing
Well thats nice, spam me some of your work so i can see what you have done earlier..
So can we see in what way you can help your norwegian fellows...
Re: [Request]Modellers/UVmappers/Texturers
Posted: 2010-05-31 20:43
by Alucard
in that lies the problem i haven't had anything to really work on to try to texture i've been using photoshop for quite some time for banners and signatures etc. but never actually have done any texturing so if you give me a model and a UV map i can give a go at texturing it
Re: [Request]Modellers/UVmappers/Texturers
Posted: 2010-05-31 20:58
by H.sta
PM sent
Re: [Request]Modellers/UVmappers/Texturers
Posted: 2010-06-19 23:23
by pleym
Hey folks,
I know there are a lot of "hobby" modders out there so I have some tasks for you:
How can we make a map Norwegian?
we need statics ofc.. Imagine fighting in areas like this:
?…lesund city centre: ... centre.jpg ... 3B49BE.jpg
Bergen Citya: ... rgen-2.jpg
Odda: ... n_Odda.JPG
Normal houses: ... 414892.jpg ... 127003.jpg ... 488460.jpg ... 299099.jpg
More houses:
Hus, ferdighus, arkitekttegnet hus, enebolig, murhus, lavenergihus, miljøhus - Norgeshus - Husleverandør, bestill huskatalog, ferdighus, hytteleverandør, arkitekttegnet hus - Norgeshus
Press "HUS" in the menu.. "Hytte" is cabins/hut