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Bots Autospawning

Posted: 2009-12-15 19:58
by TheRealDeal
Hey there guys,

got a quick question for yall. Is there some way I can prevent the instant spawning of the AI on both teams? (Or the other team if I'm doing 4v4 8) Couple of friends and I are trying to test out various this' and thats' but an issue arises when we can't push back the enemy forces. Recently I was defending a bridge alone (those darned bots just felt like going another way) and apparently the enemy AI had a spawn of some sort RIGHT on the other side, so as quickly as I mowed them down with my trusty LMG, they spawned right back and starting rushing.

Long story short, is there any way I can slow their spawns down by 30 seconds or so just to give myself a fighting chance?

I didn't dig far into the mod files so all I am aware of is the aisettings.autospawn (guessing on its name) in the aigeneral file but setting that to 0 prevented the bots from spawning at all, made for a very lonely experience. Any suggestions?
