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[Kits] U.S Army

Posted: 2009-12-18 22:43
New u.s kits coming to 0.9 :) HOOAH !!!!
models : the fist & readmenace
uv, textures, export : the fist

Edit: Since people keep asking this over and over again...the Asian guy is just to show the new gear. Only the kits are changing, so no, the US Army won't suddenly be Asians-only.


Re: [Kits] U.S Army

Posted: 2009-12-18 22:45
by nozumu

Re: [Kits] U.S Army

Posted: 2009-12-18 22:48
by Rudd
Yeah, COD4 can sometimes be a great looking game.

Wait a minute!

*dies of shock*

Re: [Kits] U.S Army

Posted: 2009-12-18 22:49
by Conman51
looks nice!

all of them having some kind of eye ware looks a little excessive though, would be nice to have one or 2 without it

Re: [Kits] U.S Army

Posted: 2009-12-18 22:54
by NightFalcon
To good to be true :-o

Re: [Kits] U.S Army

Posted: 2009-12-18 22:54
by SWIZZ=kettcar=
looks asian :-) no black soldiers anymore? good work guys

Re: [Kits] U.S Army

Posted: 2009-12-18 22:55
by Spec
Hell yeah! :D


Re: [Kits] U.S Army

Posted: 2009-12-18 22:59
by Rico
Agreed on the asian thing, I take it that they wont all look like that, right? Kits look amazing apart from that! :)

Re: [Kits] U.S Army

Posted: 2009-12-18 23:01
by Nano516
Nice but Can they also have the 3 Color Camo instead on just the ACU

Re: [Kits] U.S Army

Posted: 2009-12-18 23:03
by Nemper
Not 100% sure on the faces themselves (although they are an improvement :) ) But the gear its self looks VERY nice. Very high detailed. Great job ! :D

Re: [Kits] U.S Army

Posted: 2009-12-18 23:05
by Nitneuc
So these are new "geometries" model paste on the vBF2 model ? They look awesome.
I assume there are (from top to bottom) : Officer, medic, sniper, specialist, rifleman, grenadier, other rifleman, rifleman AT. :smile:

Re: [Kits] U.S Army

Posted: 2009-12-18 23:06
by ReadMenace
Yeah... No... In honor of Chuc, all soldiers in PR will now be Asian. :lol:

Those are shots from three-dee-ess max -- Fist is just using the asian player as a barbie for the shots.

Oh yeah.. Don't worry, I'm not hurt that I didn't get to see the finished product before the general public. ;)
Nitneuc wrote:So these are new "geometries" model paste on the vBF2 model ? They look awesome.
I assume there are (from top to bottom) : Officer, medic, sniper, specialist, rifleman, grenadier, other rifleman, rifleman AT. :smile:
Officer, Medic, Sniper, Specialist, Automatic Rifleman, Grenadier, Engineer, LAT. ;)


Re: [Kits] U.S Army

Posted: 2009-12-18 23:07
by rangedReCon
Read you know I love you, FIST gets lots of love too! Those look really stellar all around. :33_love:

Re: [Kits] U.S Army

Posted: 2009-12-18 23:09
by bosco_
[R-CON]ReadMenace wrote:
Those are shots from three-dee-ess max -- Fist is just using the asian player as a barbie for the shots.
Suddenly, a wild common sense appears :mrgreen:

Re: [Kits] U.S Army

Posted: 2009-12-18 23:13
by Hauteclocque
Nice job as usual : Read and Fist : a working team !

The US Team really needed new kit geometries, I couldn't bear any more the vbf2 ones...

Re: [Kits] U.S Army

Posted: 2009-12-18 23:18
by DeadSmile187
thats quality stuff here man!

Re: [Kits] U.S Army

Posted: 2009-12-18 23:18
by 503
Lookin good

Re: [Kits] U.S Army

Posted: 2009-12-18 23:25
by Aquiller
I'm a bit confused, could someone compare these new kits to the ones we use atm in PR? Would like to spot differences. :)

Re: [Kits] U.S Army

Posted: 2009-12-18 23:28
by KiNg828
Dude please make british forces like that, That wud be SO EPIC!!! AND IT IS ALREADY EPIC!!! NICE WORK!!! again make brit textures that is so sick