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[Video] BF2 to COD4

Posted: 2009-12-21 01:13
by Garmax
playing today, i really realized how PR is actually very cinematic even though it lacks amazing graphics..

I noticed a very cool resemblance flying in mutrahh to a mission in COD4


I though it was very cool i just wanted to share with you all

Re: [video] BF2 to COD4

Posted: 2009-12-21 01:19
by rampo
Just need a ''charlie don't surf'' community event whit ramiel or muttrah filled whit choppers :) really wish the R-COM's would think of that

Re: [video] BF2 to COD4

Posted: 2009-12-21 01:36
by 503
rampo93(FIN) wrote:Just need a ''charlie don't surf'' community event whit ramiel or muttrah filled whit choppers :) really wish the R-COM's would think of that
That would be sweet for a project reality trailer.

Re: [video] BF2 to COD4

Posted: 2009-12-21 04:36
by HughJass
503 wrote:That would be sweet for a project reality trailer.
I made like 10 types of those suggestions (even that spacific charlie dont surf one) for the .8 trailer when I was a beta tester.

I was kicked for being an *******.

Re: [video] BF2 to COD4

Posted: 2009-12-21 05:15
by Outlawz7
rampo93(FIN) wrote:really wish the R-COM's would think of that
Too bad, init
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Re: [Video] BF2 to COD4

Posted: 2009-12-21 05:20
by Rudd
PR can look very nice sometimes.

Re: [Video] BF2 to COD4

Posted: 2009-12-21 13:51
by Nimise
To bad PR will never be as good as CoD4 without fast ropes.

Re: [Video] BF2 to COD4

Posted: 2009-12-21 14:48
by goguapsy
This is so cool! Similar!

But no fastropesz... thats why the vid cut before the landing right?