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SP wont start at all.

Posted: 2009-12-21 12:21
by Ripulimylly
Hey guys, ive heard nothing but good about this mod.

I have never been a fan of multiplayer, mostly because my internet connection sucks, lags and breaks like 20-70 times a day.

But SP of this mod is interesting me a lot.

But now I have this annoying problem...

So I installed my BF2 (once again), then installed patch 1.41 and 1.5. After that, I installed PR 0.874 core & levels. Then PR-SP 0.874 and levels..

Now... After over 20 hours of downloading cores and levels I.. Was finally ready. I thought so at least.

Tried to open PR... Screen goes black for a while (1-3 secs), then comes back to desktop and nothing happens, no error screens or anything. Just doesn't do shit.

Okay, so I really want to play this mod, I really do, this just sounds perfect... But... This annoys the shit out of me.

Anyone know what to do?

Sorry for possible typos and spelling mistakes, I am Finn, so no wonder if there's errors...

Re: SP wont start at all.

Posted: 2009-12-21 19:41
by bloodthirsty_viking
in the properties of the luancher on your desktop, add this to the command line thingy after you hit propertys.. i think you put it in target

+fullscreen 0

That should bring up an error or error code that you can probbly build on, or a dev or someone who knows more then me might allready know the answer XD

are you able to play any other games?

Re: SP wont start at all.

Posted: 2009-12-21 20:46
by Mad-Mike
Are your Gfx drivers up to date m8?

Re: SP wont start at all.

Posted: 2009-12-21 22:06
by xtremeqban
Dnt you have to have PR Multiplayer core and levels also?

Re: SP wont start at all.

Posted: 2009-12-21 22:17
by thepalerider
he said he did:
Ripulimylly wrote:Hey guys, ive heard nothing but good about this mod.
So I installed my BF2 (once again), then installed patch 1.41 and 1.5. After that, I installed PR 0.874 core & levels. Then PR-SP 0.874 and levels..

Re: SP wont start at all.

Posted: 2009-12-21 22:20
by xtremeqban
Oh mabye i should slow down when i read :P

Re: SP wont start at all.

Posted: 2009-12-21 23:19
by projectrealitycanada
Have you tried opening it from Battlefield2/mods/pr_sp then hitting that exe?

Re: SP wont start at all.

Posted: 2009-12-22 11:18
by Ripulimylly
Than you for replies!

Im having a another problem now.

I re-installed whole thing... Now my little problem is that "i dont have bf 2 patched to 1.5", although I have.

So it opens now (thank you for advices!) but now I got this problem allthough I installed it.


Re: SP wont start at all.

Posted: 2009-12-22 11:22
by Ripulimylly
Oh damn... Just noticed, how f***** stupid am I... I installed 1.5 patch BETA.

Downloading full 1.5 patch now, hoping that to work :P

Again, thank you for your time

Re: SP wont start at all.

Posted: 2009-12-22 21:16
by bloodthirsty_viking
Ripulimylly wrote:Oh damn... Just noticed, how f***** stupid am I... I installed 1.5 patch BETA.

Downloading full 1.5 patch now, hoping that to work :P

Again, thank you for your time

rofl, good luck

Re: SP wont start at all.

Posted: 2009-12-23 01:50
by Drunkenup
Before you do that, You will not need to reinstall PR and PRSP. Just uninstall BF2, BUT keep the pr and prsp folder in your BF2/mods folder on the desktop or something. Then when you're done installing the correct 1.5 patch, just move pr and prsp folders back into BF2/mods.

Re: SP wont start at all.

Posted: 2009-12-23 16:09
by Ripulimylly
I actually didn't need to do anything, I just installed 1.5 over 1.5beta and it works now!

Awesome mod, I was really hoping for Iwo Jima map, but hell, nevertheless, awesome! Thank you so much mod developers and everyone helping!

Re: SP wont start at all.

Posted: 2009-12-24 00:35
by Mad-Mike
Goood to hear u got it sorted :D