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[AAR] A "HOLY SH*T NO WAY!!!!!" moment

Posted: 2009-12-24 18:09
by cfschris
This has only happened to me once in all my time of playing PR.

Time and Place: RRF VIRGINA MIXED server, Fools Road, around 1900PRT.
Russian Team


I was squad leading WOLFPACK squad, consisting of myself, 3 other NATO members, and 2 pubbers. A great squad, full of laughing and joking people, we were on our way on foot to the next flag after capping the previous one.

We had a LOOONG way to walk, and I saw a friendly APC pass by on the road. I called for an extraction, he came back and picked us up.

And heres where it gets freaky. As the APC starts to roll out, one of the pubbers (KnightsNight) starts saying on voip:

"And thus it was so, the members of WOLFPACK squad's APC was PIERCED by a tank round, killing all occupan-"

Right where his speech cuts off is where a Spandrel whoosh is heard and we are impacted by one of its AT missiles. The APC is instantly destroyed.

The next minute or so is filled entirely with incredibly loud screams of disbelief :razz:

Re: [AAR] A "HOLY SH*T NO WAY!!!!!" moment

Posted: 2009-12-24 22:26
by Foxhound42
One word... LOL! Thats awful.... Awfully Funny that is!

Re: [AAR] A "HOLY SH*T NO WAY!!!!!" moment

Posted: 2009-12-25 00:14
by myles
Theres alraedy a thread for this.

Re: [AAR] A "HOLY SH*T NO WAY!!!!!" moment

Posted: 2009-12-25 00:16
by myles
You even new it was there and you still posted it. ... ments.html

Re: [AAR] A "HOLY SH*T NO WAY!!!!!" moment

Posted: 2009-12-25 00:28
by rampo
myles wrote:Theres alraedy a thread for this.
Please use the edit function instead of double posting.

back to topic i had a quite simular experience co-piloting a huey in barracuda when i was saying; Real nice flying so far nobodys been shot down once and i think we should be clear to land in the docks whitout any AA threa- bebebebebebeboop-KAWOOSH

Re: [AAR] A "HOLY SH*T NO WAY!!!!!" moment

Posted: 2009-12-25 00:39
by cfschris
myles wrote:You even new it was there and you still posted it. ... ments.html
Thanks for the tip, Mr. Wannabemod. If you would take notice that this is a moment of incredible disbelief, not one of "oh god, we're screwed" ;)

Re: [AAR] A "HOLY SH*T NO WAY!!!!!" moment

Posted: 2009-12-25 01:07
by Epim3theus
Op barracuda.

I ride shotgun in a chopper bringing us to land. It flies us right over de middle of the island with bells ringen, rockets streaking towards us from 3 different directions. Explosions and flak clouds follow, and we live! :shock:
It was like in the movies.

Second sortie didn't end to well for the pilot though, watched him disappear from the map, as one passenger chose plummiting to death over going down with the ship.

Re: [AAR] A "HOLY SH*T NO WAY!!!!!" moment

Posted: 2009-12-25 01:24
by rampo
Epim3theus wrote:Op barracuda.

I ride shotgun in a chopper bringing us to land. It flies us right over de middle of the island with bells ringen, rockets streaking towards us from 3 different directions. Explosions and flak clouds follow, and we live! :shock:
It was like in the movies.

Second sortie didn't end to well for the pilot though, watched him disappear from the map, as one passenger chose plummiting to death over going down with the ship.
Been playing too much Forgotten hope 2? ;-)

Re: [AAR] A "HOLY SH*T NO WAY!!!!!" moment

Posted: 2009-12-25 12:12
by Epim3theus
Not too much, but i meant an aa rocket exploding in front of the choppercockpit, it was awesome.

Re: [AAR] A "HOLY SH*T NO WAY!!!!!" moment

Posted: 2009-12-25 13:48
by wookimonsta
Still not sure if this is really what happened, since I was in the cockpit.
I was flying low past the Dam on Jabal (in a huey), thinking it was secure. Suddenly I had a lock and I didn't even have time to drop flares.
But instead of the explosion being on the left (where the Dam was), it was on the right. I pressed F1 and saw all my Passengers where still on board. Of course I got out of there as fast as I could, and while we were flying, my passengers told me the AA missle went straight through the Passenger Door and went out the other side before exploding.

Re: [AAR] A "HOLY SH*T NO WAY!!!!!" moment

Posted: 2009-12-25 14:18
by cfschris
People, post your "oh ****" moments in the oh **** thread! I'm gonna have wannabemods flaming this soon if we dont classify things right :O !!!!

Re: [AAR] A "HOLY SH*T NO WAY!!!!!" moment

Posted: 2009-12-25 14:19
by Adriaan
Hahah, yeah that was incredible!
It was NightsKnight btw ;)

Re: [AAR] A "HOLY SH*T NO WAY!!!!!" moment

Posted: 2009-12-25 14:50
by cfschris
Adriaan wrote:Hahah, yeah that was incredible!
It was NightsKnight btw ;)
Jesus, I'm personal friends with him and I cant even get his username straight haha thanks :p