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Question regarding attack aircraft in singleplayer

Posted: 2010-01-03 21:24
by 3===SPECTER===3
Now that i have a computer that can actually run bf2 and PR I have downloaded PRSP and im looking to mod again. Although this time im kind of easing into it. First, I would like to give the tanks and armor in game a lock on singal like they did in BF2. The only reason for this is that bots don't laze targets so in order for me to use a weapon other than the gatling gun I need a lazer lock. If anybody has any knowledge of where to change this that would be appreciated.

A second question i'd like to ask is about JDAMs. I just wanted to know if theres been a recent breakthrough in getting the commander to accept the request. Right now I have the JDAM on Kashan to have no delay or reload time but whenever I request it the commander just tells me no. thanks in advance

Re: Question regarding attack aircraft in singleplayer

Posted: 2010-01-13 12:23
by Hans Martin Slayer
A second question i'd like to ask is about JDAMs. I just wanted to know if theres been a recent breakthrough in getting the commander to accept the request. Right now I have the JDAM on Kashan to have no delay or reload time but whenever I request it the commander just tells me no.
The latest BF2 patch broke the AI commander. :-x

Re: Question regarding attack aircraft in singleplayer

Posted: 2010-01-17 16:19
by 3===SPECTER===3
this makes so much sense now..... that explains why in FH2 the commander always denies me. Okay thanks and I got the other problem solved anyway.

Re: Question regarding attack aircraft in singleplayer

Posted: 2010-02-24 12:34
by DrKniSh[DK]
Hey Specter. How did you solve the "laser-lock" problem ?
can i convince you to post the code/solution here.
thx in advance.

Re: Question regarding attack aircraft in singleplayer

Posted: 2010-02-25 16:21
by 3===SPECTER===3
you need to go into every vehicle .tweak file that you what to have a lock signal for and paste these lines in with the rest of the 'ObjectTemplate.addTemplate's

ObjectTemplate.addTemplate LaserTarget_vehicle
ObjectTemplate.setPosition 0/0/0