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Version with the content but without the realism?

Posted: 2005-02-20 19:03
by wweebler
I really like the way your British army is looking but I'm not personally a huge fan of realism mods (which is not to say I don't understand why people are). Is there any likelihood you guys might release a version of your mod with the new content you're creating but without the changed gameplay style?

Posted: 2005-02-20 21:45
by Ugly Duck
I doubt they will. It is enough work to make this stuff and code it to realistic specifications. To do all that work twice wouldn't make much sense.

Posted: 2005-02-20 21:52
by Sabian
I would have to agree. Im not speaking for the DEV team but It would certainly pose alot more work on them.

Posted: 2005-02-27 05:18
by snipurs
solodude23 wrote:lol, Project Not-Reality :lol:
now thats a game i definity..wouldnt play ^^

Posted: 2005-03-01 19:21
by St_Evil
if you want non reality just play the bf42 mod DCX :p they have british too!