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[AAR] When striker Think there GOD

Posted: 2010-01-05 02:08
by ledo1222
So this happend on Hardcore Insurgency+2. The Video Shows it all. A striker was going to take out, My clan mates and i was on the way with the Bomb Car. "The Driver was not doing his Job scan the Area. Too late i come behind them and BAM!!111. Watch the Viedo and youll see waht i mean by "SCAN WHEN NOT MOVING" - ALLAH PRAZES DANIEL

Daniel and Ledo are Me. And Ickum is the Guy Broadcasting. Note we Used Ventrilo the whole time.

P.S if some one can PM how to Put the Link in to a Video on the Post it be Very help Full for me.

Re: [AAR] When striker Think there GOD

Posted: 2010-01-05 04:04
by Nimise
Im amazed the striker diddnt notice him.

Re: [AAR] When striker Think there GOD

Posted: 2010-01-05 04:20
by ledo1222
Nimise wrote:Im amazed the striker diddnt notice him.
Thats why he failed he admitted that he wasn't scanning the area, he noticed at the last secound :lol:

Re: [AAR] When striker Think there GOD

Posted: 2010-01-05 22:30
by myles
Nice. 2 camers on the stryker and you came from the side that dosent add up.