That sucks lol. Last night on Muttrah there was this guy who started a "Forward Recon" squad, and started advertising that he needed stealthy people over team chat. Shortly after this, he was kicked for a supporting member.
There were a few more WTF moments in that round as well. We set up an FOB in A6 KP2, on the ramp by the construction site. We set up an AA piece in plain sight of "One Tree Hill", the sniping position in A7 KP5. A few times instead of sniper fire I took L-AT shots from there, and once I looked up and saw a L-AT fire and hit the hill in front of him.
The round before that I had a Marksman kit on US. We were in North City with an FOB set up in a pool in somebodies backyard. I saw a MEC H-AT in the hills to the west, and proned down to engage him when he came out. A Huey flew over head of our firebase for some reason, and he popped up and within seconds of that, he shot the Huey, I shot him (but he didnt die), I died, and the Huey landed on the firebase and auto-killed anyone who spawned on it. WTF.