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[Video] Whiskey One Lance (Series)

Posted: 2010-01-11 23:04
by Herbiie

The FreeLancer clan are making an Action Series called "Whiskey One Lance".

We've uploaded our first video, which is a sample of the end Credits :D A trailer or two will be coming soon :)

(Best viewed full screen)



Re: Whiskey One Lance (Series)

Posted: 2010-01-11 23:10
by RedSparrow
Yeah, it's super bad quality, but youtube really hated the good quality one! (Wasted 2x 2 1/2hours uploading 600MB!!)

Re: Whiskey One Lance (Series)

Posted: 2010-01-12 00:17
by TempesT
Nice idea, try and improve the smoothness of your shots by reducing your mouses sensitivity, then speeding it up in your editing software. It looks great. The circle pan of the Apache is a bit jerky though, do the camera leading up to it and then do another shot of you attached to the Apache players (battlerecorder space bar you know what I mean) doing a low sensitivity circle pan. Then put the two clips together, blur the scene when they meet and speed up the footage.

Re: Whiskey One Lance (Series)

Posted: 2010-01-12 04:16
by sniperrocks
Looks pretty good :)
Just wait till the spectator thingy comes out in 0.9, it'll look even cooler :D

Re: Whiskey One Lance (Series)

Posted: 2010-01-12 09:56
by RedSparrow
TempesT wrote:Nice idea, try and improve the smoothness of your shots by reducing your mouses sensitivity, then speeding it up in your editing software. It looks great. The circle pan of the Apache is a bit jerky though, do the camera leading up to it and then do another shot of you attached to the Apache players (battlerecorder space bar you know what I mean) doing a low sensitivity circle pan. Then put the two clips together, blur the scene when they meet and speed up the footage.
I did have it set low on my mouse, but I'm sure I could improve on the smoothness. Perhaps if I have time to refilm it I'll have a lower setting or something.
sniperrocks wrote:Looks pretty good :)
Just wait till the spectator thingy comes out in 0.9, it'll look even cooler :D
Unfortunately, I won't be able to do this scene with the prbot, because It has to be paused in BR, but we are looking forward to it to use for filming the live elements of the series.

Re: Whiskey One Lance (Series)

Posted: 2010-01-12 10:29
by Herbiie
RedSparrow wrote: but we are looking forward to it to use for filming the live elements of the series.
That sounded Professional :o Gj Clobum ;)

Anyway, we'll be filming the first Episode this week, so expect it either next week or the week after ;) the trailer should (fingers crossed) be coming this week, along with a slide show of screen shots of us filming along with the many... many MANY bloopers we have ;) .

Re: [Video] Whiskey One Lance (Series)

Posted: 2010-01-18 17:42
by cfschris
WHAT! I thought I flew that Apache!

Re: [Video] Whiskey One Lance (Series)

Posted: 2010-01-19 18:42
by Kapt. Kroon
Render in 16:9 widescreen fills up the youtube screen 100%

Re: [Video] Whiskey One Lance (Series)

Posted: 2010-01-19 19:58
by Herbiie
Kapt. Kroon wrote:Render in 16:9 widescreen fills up the youtube screen 100%
And it would of taken around about 4 hours to Upload :P

Sparrow had to reduce the size or whatever you call it so it could be uploaded in 20 minutes rather than waiting all day.

N Chris : Shuuussssh that's a secret D: :p

Re: [Video] Whiskey One Lance (Series)

Posted: 2010-01-20 16:34
by Kapt. Kroon
Herbiie wrote:And it would of taken around about 4 hours to Upload :P

Sparrow had to reduce the size or whatever you call it so it could be uploaded in 20 minutes rather than waiting all day.

N Chris : Shuuussssh that's a secret D: :p
You want a short upload time or a good series? And if it takes 4 hours for that ... I'm uploading 452mb movies in 23 min on youtube. And 2 GB is the max. for non-youtube partners.

Re: [Video] Whiskey One Lance (Series)

Posted: 2010-01-21 08:22
by HughJass
pretty cool. yeah work out that quality problem, and work on some of the camera movements.

otherwise it is pretty sweet.

is this going to be a comedy series? or more of a realistic action type thing?

if its comedy I hope you get some good material; it's what's most important.

Re: [Video] Whiskey One Lance (Series)

Posted: 2010-01-21 18:35
by Herbiie
HughJass wrote:pretty cool. yeah work out that quality problem, and work on some of the camera movements.

otherwise it is pretty sweet.

is this going to be a comedy series? or more of a realistic action type thing?

if its comedy I hope you get some good material; it's what's most important.
I'm not funny so it won't be comedy :P

It's a serious (ish) action series in British style, so there might be a little light, very bad, humour along the way. Probably by accident. :D

@ Kapt. Kroon, this isn't a trailer or anything, it actually started off life on Private, so that me Pedz & Other Whiskey One Lance people could see it. Then me and Sparrow decided it was pretty cool and we'll make it public & make a Post about it too :P Also the fully rendered & full quality was 600mb ;)

Everyone watch this space, trailer coming soon :D

Re: [Video] Whiskey One Lance (Series)

Posted: 2010-02-22 20:31
by Pedz
Ok im bumping up this thread to remind the people who put themselves down and to invite others that we are filming on saturday and sunday this week. (27th+28th) All information is on our forums The Freelancer Forums - Index page.

Register on the forums and post a reply in the whiskey one project saying you want to help out or something to that effect, and you'll be given access to the staff area where all the times are posted.

Re: [Video] Whiskey One Lance (Series)

Posted: 2010-02-24 13:11
by RedSparrow
Also, if we have good turnouts, expect to see the first episode on Youtube by the end of March, early April.


Re: [Video] Whiskey One Lance (Series)

Posted: 2010-02-27 20:49
by Pedz