[AAR] Best PR experience i've ever had!

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[AAR] Best PR experience i've ever had!

Post by Arquin »

I just felt like i needed to share this. It started in Seven Gates, where i had the best squad ever, we were laughing and screwing and owning the brits hard. We we're defending the River Fort, they we're close to getting in, but we blew the whole squad with a C-4. Then he placed 4 new ones and we left the fortress and watched how he blew it up. After that it was really messy at outpost but i couldn't stop laughing. For the first time, i felt i was really enjoying myself in PR.

Next map we had Ghost Train, but everybody left so we decided to take out our bayonets and knife the 2-3 people on the chinese side. Everybody got bored after that and left.

I decided to join Hardcore Ins. serv.(Fallujah West) Because i thought that some of the squad mates might be there. Well, luckily two of them showed up and we decided to bunch up again. We took the humvee and some new squadies and drove to the small urban area at the south point of the map, we heard some gun shots in the building and decided to go check it out. As we we're in there, intel reported the cache Right below us in the tunnels! After we found the other entrance, we went down and took the insurgents out and destroyed it.

Next we headed for the small area north of it, and tried to set up a firebase. After a while of screwing trying to get it into the bunker, we got it up and left again. A bit later, we left our humvee and walked on the road, i saw an insurgent and went with a squadie to take him out, then all hell broke loose...

They blew an IED in attempt to destroy us, and took out Two of their own caches and lots of themselves With it. Don't remember much after that, but we drove for a while and decided to go back to the desert. There is a fence ahead and we just ram it down. Well, next thing i noticed was that were 300 meters in the air spinning and falling down. Everybody was laughing and when we hit the ground, it didn't blow up, all but one of us got out in time before the humvee blew up.

It was pretty normal for a while, but after i died, my squadies spawned on the rally point far on the other side, i spawned in our old fire base (The one i wrote about) and found that it was bugged, there was an enemy firebase and i got killed. I spawned on the rally and it was again pretty normal. Then i told the team about the bugged spawn, and what do you know? Right after that intel reported a cache next to the bugged spawn and the enemy firebase. The team spawned there in hordes and the insurgents we're like : WTF?

Nothing special happened until the end where we were losing tickets fast and it was all down to us, SQ5 to take the final cache out. We tried to call in an artillery strike but too late, we were really close to getting the extra tickets but they won. You know what? I wasn't dissapointed. I just had the best games and squad ever. This is why i play PR, to hunt these moments of epicness and fun. I wish i had recorded or taken pictures, but they happened so fast that i wasn't really prepared for it.

Thank you Falken, Nimble, Wolfey and all the others i didn't get memorized so well. I do wish i get to play with you guys again.

PS. Sorry for TL;DR - type text, but i just had to share it with the world.

PPS. Thank you Devs for making this awesome mod.
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