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[Video] Al Basrah APC Ambush

Posted: 2010-01-15 15:33
by TH3_BL4CK
So what happend was on Al Basrah last night i snuck up to an British APC and placed a nice present around the back of the apc and droped a IED on the front which gave me a new way to take these babys out :)
P.S Sorry didnt remember what version it was in the video little editors mistake.

Re: [VIDEO] Al Basrah APC Ambush

Posted: 2010-01-15 15:56
by cyberzomby
haha yea! That is a neat trick. Its a shame you rarely get the time to pull it off tho :(

Re: [VIDEO] Al Basrah APC Ambush

Posted: 2010-01-15 15:59
by Drav
Mine at the back, then dance around in front is always good fun!