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Custom Training map help

Posted: 2010-01-15 17:19
by Desjarlais
Hi there im a leader of the 25th Infantry Division. I just wanted to know if there was anyone that could help us build a Custom training map for us to use. I have been playing around with the BF2 editor but i just don't know what im doing. So if there is anyone who could help me out that would be great thanks.

Re: Custom Training map help

Posted: 2010-01-25 15:33
by Nano516
Thats a really good question. I wanna do the same thing with my clan

Re: Custom Training map help

Posted: 2010-01-25 15:41
by Rudd
I have an idea what kind of modifications you want, its all in this tut ... audit.html

remember to abide by your server licenses though :)

Re: Custom Training map help

Posted: 2010-01-25 17:30
by space
Add me to x-fire if you want - username "spacemanc" - its not that hard to make a map, and I can talk you through the basics. You can do cool stuff like having custom vehicle skins :D I made these Rescue Rangers Clan heli skins for a training layer:
