- PR v0.9 Map Loading Screens
A peek at the upcoming maps in Project Reality v0.9. These slightly edited screen shots are the background images that show on the loading screen, when loading into the specific map.
- New US Army Kit Geometries
Since the vanilla Battlefield 2 kits are simple and do not offer a lot of diversion, a proper replacement was needed. The all new US Army kit geometries aim to reflect their real life counterparts and improve distinction between the various kits.
- New Russian Forces Kit Geometries
The infantry of the Russian Forces are now fully kitted out with proper kit geometries. Every detail from GRAD vests, to PKM pouches, to RPG backpacks has been included for authenticity.
- Other Featured Highlights
- Weapons: Squad Leader Radio and Comms
- Music: v0.9 Soundtrack "The First assignment"
- Vehicles: Up-Armored HMMWV
- Menu: Next maps in server rotation
- Maps: Silent Eagle
- Weapons: v0.9 Improved Area Attacks
- Maps: Fallujah - New USMC Main
- Weapons: Deployable Anti-Tank
Now sit back and hold tight for the Project Reality v0.9 release! See you on the battlefield!
- The Project Reality Team