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[Maps] PR v0.9 Map Overviews

Posted: 2010-01-20 23:07
by AncientMan
So here is something that I'm sure everyone is eager to see; all the map overviews, for all the maps in Project Reality v0.9. The result of over a week of work, these images show a preview of the map when loading, when in the server browser, and also when selecting maps when creating a local server. It gives the ability to know what a map looks like, without having to load it first.

Here are some example overviews:
Image Image Image Image

You can see all 105 map overviews here in this gallery:
Project Reality Mod v0.9 Map Overviews
There are a lot of images in the gallery, please be patient while they load.

The map overviews are subject to change as we get closer to release.

- Lots of secrets

Re: [Maps] PR v0.9 Map Overviews

Posted: 2010-01-20 23:10
by Adriaan
Yay, it's looking awesome!
Can't wait to move out from that Russian cargo ship all World in Conflict style :D
Also, Insurgency with Chechnyans? Sweet!
How can there be so much layers? I thought it was limited to 3 per map?

Ugh too many things to name :D

Re: [Maps] PR v0.9 Map Overviews

Posted: 2010-01-20 23:13
by Rezza
Looks Damn Great!

Re: [Maps] PR v0.9 Map Overviews

Posted: 2010-01-20 23:17
by google
I think this allows for a forum alert change.

Holy Sh*t, Yamalla looks beautiful!

Re: [Maps] PR v0.9 Map Overviews

Posted: 2010-01-20 23:19
by jozi02
No attack chopper for Brits at Quinling alternative?

And also, what does those white X on West and East City Center (at Muttrah AAS Standard) stand for? :)
Or is that a secret?

And Hooray! LAVs on Barracuda :D

I'm gonna miss Ejod and Kufrah :(

Re: [Maps] PR v0.9 Map Overviews

Posted: 2010-01-20 23:21
by atlantisfonn
Horray!!! New maps look awesome!

Re: [Maps] PR v0.9 Map Overviews

Posted: 2010-01-20 23:26
by Sniper77shot
I guess that means canada is in 0.9?

Re: [Maps] PR v0.9 Map Overviews

Posted: 2010-01-20 23:26
the usmc lost Archer? Looks someone needs to make a new USMC vs Taliban map since we are there in Stan now....

other than that cant wait to play!!

Re: [Maps] PR v0.9 Map Overviews

Posted: 2010-01-20 23:29
by psychickactivity
Great thank you ..

Re: [Maps] PR v0.9 Map Overviews

Posted: 2010-01-20 23:31
by Farks
USMCMIDN wrote:the usmc lost Archer? Looks someone needs to make a new USMC vs Taliban map since we are there in Stan now....

other than that cant wait to play!!
It was actully meant to go to the canadians all along, as the real life Operation Archer is canadian. ;)

Re: [Maps] PR v0.9 Map Overviews

Posted: 2010-01-20 23:31
by 503
Damn this looks sweet but what I don't get is why paratroopers have their own airport.

Re: [Maps] PR v0.9 Map Overviews

Posted: 2010-01-20 23:31
by IINoddyII
New maps look tasty.. Thanks very much to the mapmakers for their dedication and efforts :)

Re: [Maps] PR v0.9 Map Overviews

Posted: 2010-01-20 23:32
by Sniper77shot
USMCMIDN wrote:the usmc lost Archer? Looks someone needs to make a new USMC vs Taliban map since we are there in Stan now....

other than that cant wait to play!!
No, It's always was meant for Canada and USMC was just a placeholder, so they never lost it.

Re: [Maps] PR v0.9 Map Overviews

Posted: 2010-01-20 23:33
by DonDOOM
Looks well cool! Just a bit weird that the US doesn't get an attack chopper on Silent Eagle - Standart
And the Brits on Qinling - Alternative

Re: [Maps] PR v0.9 Map Overviews

Posted: 2010-01-20 23:37
by Ford_Jam
Looks fantastic! :-o
Top job to all involved! :D

Re: [Maps] PR v0.9 Map Overviews

Posted: 2010-01-20 23:40
by Rezza
Beirut made me cry Russian vs IDF is just a lol if PR is going to make a fictional story the Briefing should come back.Russian vs IDF and British vs Chechenya is just suicide.I am not event talking about Canada vs Russia :D .When did all this happen.Is a world war 3 going on in the PR fiction.Will we have a briefing about this so we know whats going on or is it all just about national map balances?

Re: [Maps] PR v0.9 Map Overviews

Posted: 2010-01-20 23:41
by Kirra
Qwai is 2km? Wtf?? I thought it was 1 km

Re: [Maps] PR v0.9 Map Overviews

Posted: 2010-01-20 23:42
by Rissien
Choppers back on Qwai!! Awesome, love the new stuff.
Insurgency and AAS on Iron Ridge.
The tank varients look promising as well

Re: [Maps] PR v0.9 Map Overviews

Posted: 2010-01-20 23:52
by PhoenixxFire
It looks like we are getting tank(s?) on Karbala.
I think Barracuda will get the new AAVs instead of the LAVs, which is pretty cool.
The Vehicle Warfare mode looks pretty awesome for armor crewmen, as well.

Re: [Maps] PR v0.9 Map Overviews

Posted: 2010-01-20 23:56
by SnipeHunt
Are those parachute markers that I see on a few maps?!?!?!?