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[Video] Hanged for treason!

Posted: 2010-01-22 03:37
by Paladin Necroman

This dude got hanged for giving out information to the yankees!!!

Re: Hanged for treason!

Posted: 2010-01-23 00:37
by Paladin Necroman

i don't know how to add the youtube player so here's the link lol.

Re: Hanged for treason!

Posted: 2010-01-23 16:23
by Gore
Hahahaha :D BF2 ragdoll effect ftw!

Re: [Video] Hanged for treason!

Posted: 2010-02-07 15:26
by goguapsy
Hanged from the leg... that's... that's just mean!

By the way, only put the characters between the youtube brackets () after the =. Example: p65LKxxvb0k instead of


Re: [Video] Hanged for treason!

Posted: 2010-02-07 16:37
by Froztbyte
lmao :)
gotta love ragdoll physics

Re: [Video] Hanged for treason!

Posted: 2010-02-09 10:12
by White Rock
Heh, reminds me of when that happened on muttrah back in the days...


Re: [Video] Hanged for treason!

Posted: 2010-03-03 05:52
by kanonator
that's hilarious!