Squad leading as 'BLUFOR' on insurgency.
- Posts: 8012
- Joined: 2007-01-12 19:05
Squad leading as 'BLUFOR' on insurgency.
Right, ive been playing alot on Insurgency maps (mainly on TG) and have had great success using the follow tactics. First things first kits;
1. Officer
2. Medic
3. SAW
4. Specialist
5. Rifleman
6. Rifleman (Grenadier, if working in support of another squad).
Im normally not to bothered with kits , tho i find the first 5 are essential and the last can be SL preference.
Now for this to work the squads needs to be close, SLs can figure there own ways out of keeping there squad close but i find a "25m from me at all times or a kick you" at the start of the game works. keep reminding people during the game; "keep close", "keep it slow" etc.
slow is smooth smooth is fast - unknown quote.
Now to the actual tactics.
A cache is reviled. First thing first, check the map for a large building/piece of terrain to observe over the cache area, preferably about 100m from the area and easy to defend should you need. The aim of the game, and the most important part of the tactic is trying to identify the caches position BEFORE you move in. Best ways of doing this:
1. RPG - if you see a rpg aim at you, let him fire at you. chances are he will miss and run to the cache to rearm, follow him.
2. Other pickup kits like Al quds, PKM etc
Observe the area for a bit, and try and confirm the caches position. preferably try and stay undetected but heres where the position choosing comes into play as you will probably have to defend it. unless you absolutely have to, do not move into a cache area unless you know the caches possible position, This minimizes time on the ground and ticket loss.
Now, a careless RPG guy has given you the caches most probably position, game time. If possible, SAW/rifleman (grenadier) covers from the observation position. This is where the first part comes in, keep it CLOSE and slow/steady. move to the target building and hopefully destroy the cache.
now a VERY important part, Get The FU*K OUT!. this is where most squads fail and lose guys because they are spread all over the place and get killed off. Evac the same way you came in with hopefully the SAW covering, again : 'slow is smooth smooth is fast' dont just turn tail and run. Pull back whistle SAW covers and regroup. Pull out of the area completely, every INS you killed will most likely come back. Hopefully all this is done with APC and support of other squads (mumble & TG FTW).
Rinse and repeat the above for each cache, save arty for caches deep in the city and replace the assault part of the guide to "call arty" and your sorted.
Summery (TL: DR version):
1. High building near cache area to observe
2. ALWAYS try and identify the cache position before moving in, minimizes time on ground and ticket loss.
3. GTFO without ticket loss.
4. keep it close, slow and smooth.
5. if possible, mumble with APC/friendly squad support.
Hope this isnt to long and boring, and the result of the tactic:
http://screenshot.xfire.com/screenshot/ ... 459be0.png
3 caches destroyed and one of the deaths was a disconnect/reconnect. hope this helps!
1. Officer
2. Medic
3. SAW
4. Specialist
5. Rifleman
6. Rifleman (Grenadier, if working in support of another squad).
Im normally not to bothered with kits , tho i find the first 5 are essential and the last can be SL preference.
Now for this to work the squads needs to be close, SLs can figure there own ways out of keeping there squad close but i find a "25m from me at all times or a kick you" at the start of the game works. keep reminding people during the game; "keep close", "keep it slow" etc.
slow is smooth smooth is fast - unknown quote.
Now to the actual tactics.
A cache is reviled. First thing first, check the map for a large building/piece of terrain to observe over the cache area, preferably about 100m from the area and easy to defend should you need. The aim of the game, and the most important part of the tactic is trying to identify the caches position BEFORE you move in. Best ways of doing this:
1. RPG - if you see a rpg aim at you, let him fire at you. chances are he will miss and run to the cache to rearm, follow him.
2. Other pickup kits like Al quds, PKM etc
Observe the area for a bit, and try and confirm the caches position. preferably try and stay undetected but heres where the position choosing comes into play as you will probably have to defend it. unless you absolutely have to, do not move into a cache area unless you know the caches possible position, This minimizes time on the ground and ticket loss.
Now, a careless RPG guy has given you the caches most probably position, game time. If possible, SAW/rifleman (grenadier) covers from the observation position. This is where the first part comes in, keep it CLOSE and slow/steady. move to the target building and hopefully destroy the cache.
now a VERY important part, Get The FU*K OUT!. this is where most squads fail and lose guys because they are spread all over the place and get killed off. Evac the same way you came in with hopefully the SAW covering, again : 'slow is smooth smooth is fast' dont just turn tail and run. Pull back whistle SAW covers and regroup. Pull out of the area completely, every INS you killed will most likely come back. Hopefully all this is done with APC and support of other squads (mumble & TG FTW).
Rinse and repeat the above for each cache, save arty for caches deep in the city and replace the assault part of the guide to "call arty" and your sorted.
Summery (TL: DR version):
1. High building near cache area to observe
2. ALWAYS try and identify the cache position before moving in, minimizes time on ground and ticket loss.
3. GTFO without ticket loss.
4. keep it close, slow and smooth.
5. if possible, mumble with APC/friendly squad support.
Hope this isnt to long and boring, and the result of the tactic:
http://screenshot.xfire.com/screenshot/ ... 459be0.png
3 caches destroyed and one of the deaths was a disconnect/reconnect. hope this helps!
- Posts: 118
- Joined: 2008-12-03 19:38
Re: Squad leading as 'BLUFOR' on insurgency.
Well done sir. This will make INS a ton easier for everyone
- Posts: 529
- Joined: 2009-08-04 03:10
Re: Squad leading as 'BLUFOR' on insurgency.
Sounds good, but what does the squad do whe no caches have been discovered on minimap? dig in at a FB/ hit a high rooftop, or pull a recon in force?
- Posts: 8012
- Joined: 2007-01-12 19:05
Re: Squad leading as 'BLUFOR' on insurgency.
either really, as long as you dont enter the cities looking for trouble. go to an area of the map your team isnt and look for contacts, keep in the open and mobile.
- Posts: 74
- Joined: 2008-02-02 00:37
Re: Squad leading as 'BLUFOR' on insurgency.
I totally agree with your methods. Specially the part of "GTFO" when objective has been taken out.
Personally i don't understand players, that go on purpose middle of the city (sometimes even right next to a mosque spawn!) and just die there wasting tickets.
I totally agree with your methods. Specially the part of "GTFO" when objective has been taken out.
Personally i don't understand players, that go on purpose middle of the city (sometimes even right next to a mosque spawn!) and just die there wasting tickets.
- Retired PR Developer
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Re: Squad leading as 'BLUFOR' on insurgency.
+1, Blufor often lose because they took a cache down and then couldn't/didn't extractMcCree wrote:Gazz,
I totally agree with your methods. Specially the part of "GTFO" when objective has been taken out.
Personally i don't understand players, that go on purpose middle of the city (sometimes even right next to a mosque spawn!) and just die there wasting tickets.
https://www.realitymod.com/forum/f112-p ... ttack.html
- Posts: 4210
- Joined: 2008-07-22 15:04
Re: Squad leading as 'BLUFOR' on insurgency.
Yeah this is the right thing, but everybody just runs out of main at the start "IMA GET 10 CACHES OMG!"
Wouldnt it be easier to wait and prepare (especially with mumble) for those 3 mintes until a cache is revealde, defend main until then...
Wouldnt it be easier to wait and prepare (especially with mumble) for those 3 mintes until a cache is revealde, defend main until then...

Orgies beat masturbation hands down. - Staker
- Posts: 2051
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Re: Squad leading as 'BLUFOR' on insurgency.
i would especially stress the "know where the cache is before you move in" part. if you know where it is it can probably be taken out by lots of long range fire, especially if apcs are in the picture.
- Posts: 529
- Joined: 2009-08-04 03:10
Re: Squad leading as 'BLUFOR' on insurgency.
from experience, I'll say it's just about impossible on a public server. Holding the squad back tends just to get your subordinates irritated and cause them to leave. I'm not saying human-wave tactics, but if you can manage to keep your squad in a FB or area just near enough for long-range fighting, but not close enough for CQB, you'll be both giving fire support to the idiot squads rushing in, and you'll be making sure your subordinates don't start harbouring resentment and leave. Irritating, but it works.ChizNizzle wrote:Yeah this is the right thing, but everybody just runs out of main at the start "IMA GET 10 CACHES OMG!"
Wouldnt it be easier to wait and prepare (especially with mumble) for those 3 mintes until a cache is revealde, defend main until then...
- Posts: 2022
- Joined: 2009-08-24 11:21
Re: Squad leading as 'BLUFOR' on insurgency.
I always find that on round start going for a little patrol works wonders, find an area the est of the team isn't going and patrol along it, if you're contacted then either deal with the contact quickly, or withdraw to a safe position.
- Posts: 3958
- Joined: 2008-04-14 17:37
Re: Squad leading as 'BLUFOR' on insurgency.
Set up fobs. The insurgency team is kind of sloppy on most servers, however the one I play on insurgents tend to keep a lot of bodies around a 200m radius around the cache. So set up 2 fobs, then observe. After the objective has been taken out you can rally your troops in an easily to hold facility and rack up kills if intel is needed.
- Posts: 89
- Joined: 2009-12-31 22:56
Re: Squad leading as 'BLUFOR' on insurgency.
Great guide.
I agree with your statements and methods.
1 thing I'd like to add, if I may, is that many players want to focus on killing insurgents. they fire at them when not really needed and ruin their concealment. It does no good to kill the insurgent unless he is a direct threat. It only creates trouble and ticket loss.
At times of course they must be shot, but I find that many time's I can slip into a cache location with 3-4 people and as long as we keep the idea of staying hidden and out of sight in mind, the more likely we can actually get in, let a few insurgents slip by and slip by them to their cache and then slip out asap without them ever seeing who did it. It's never a sure ting but it's a lot more sure than going in guns blazing.
If you have ever played Splinter Cell than you get the idea. It's quite ninja and effective many times. Just make it your focus to see if you can let them walk by without seeing you. It's great fun and takes discipline.
But it is absolutely crucial you first find the exact location of the cache. at least narrow it down to a couple key pads.
I agree with your statements and methods.
1 thing I'd like to add, if I may, is that many players want to focus on killing insurgents. they fire at them when not really needed and ruin their concealment. It does no good to kill the insurgent unless he is a direct threat. It only creates trouble and ticket loss.
At times of course they must be shot, but I find that many time's I can slip into a cache location with 3-4 people and as long as we keep the idea of staying hidden and out of sight in mind, the more likely we can actually get in, let a few insurgents slip by and slip by them to their cache and then slip out asap without them ever seeing who did it. It's never a sure ting but it's a lot more sure than going in guns blazing.
If you have ever played Splinter Cell than you get the idea. It's quite ninja and effective many times. Just make it your focus to see if you can let them walk by without seeing you. It's great fun and takes discipline.
But it is absolutely crucial you first find the exact location of the cache. at least narrow it down to a couple key pads.
- Posts: 265
- Joined: 2008-08-14 01:51
Re: Squad leading as 'BLUFOR' on insurgency.
Two things I think could be added to the great original guide.
1. Working combined arms with armor assets is very important. Using Tanks/APCs/IFVs back away from the caches to provide over watch/fire support and kill insurgents for intel gathering. Tangling up the vehicles without infantry support deep in the cities can be very bad. Mines RPG's and Gary are all much more of a threat deep in the urban jungle. Al Basrah, Karbala, Ramiel, Fallujah this all applies to.
2. Overbuilding FOB's in insurgency maps is way too common. Since the name of the game is Offense for BlueFor , multiple minimal 1 crate firebases are preferable. Wire/MG nests/Foxholes look cool but more serve to give away a FOB than "defend" it. Insurgents tend to swarm on FOBs like sharks with blood in the water, this leads to serious ticket loss defending FOBs.
1. Working combined arms with armor assets is very important. Using Tanks/APCs/IFVs back away from the caches to provide over watch/fire support and kill insurgents for intel gathering. Tangling up the vehicles without infantry support deep in the cities can be very bad. Mines RPG's and Gary are all much more of a threat deep in the urban jungle. Al Basrah, Karbala, Ramiel, Fallujah this all applies to.
2. Overbuilding FOB's in insurgency maps is way too common. Since the name of the game is Offense for BlueFor , multiple minimal 1 crate firebases are preferable. Wire/MG nests/Foxholes look cool but more serve to give away a FOB than "defend" it. Insurgents tend to swarm on FOBs like sharks with blood in the water, this leads to serious ticket loss defending FOBs.
- Posts: 1072
- Joined: 2008-03-31 00:09
Re: Squad leading as 'BLUFOR' on insurgency.
Best thing to do at the start of a match is to get out of main and THEN wait for the cache to appear. INS know where you are at the start. If you start stealthy you can stay stealthy much more easily.
The rest of this is golden.
The rest of this is golden.


- Posts: 103
- Joined: 2009-03-23 22:04
Re: Squad leading as 'BLUFOR' on insurgency.
One of the most vital aspect in insurgency is to always be on the move. I have encountered numerous times where the Blufor just setup a fire-base and camp there for the majority of the round.
- Posts: 223
- Joined: 2009-03-02 03:10
Re: Squad leading as 'BLUFOR' on insurgency.
I also suggsting using the lase for the littlebird if it is around. I have, and have seen a cache get taken down like that quite often.
- Posts: 510
- Joined: 2009-01-31 20:19
Re: Squad leading as 'BLUFOR' on insurgency.
Guys I need help.
I tell my SQD to stick with me, I tell them to keep up but when one gets shot we have to stop, more people get shot. In the best case we just get slown down and can sprint up the way but in the worst case we all get killled because of that. Keeping on the move is really important.
HOW do I make myself clear talking to those guys...? What are the magic words?
Keeping on the move is so effin important! And when is it better to leave the dead guys dead?
I tell my SQD to stick with me, I tell them to keep up but when one gets shot we have to stop, more people get shot. In the best case we just get slown down and can sprint up the way but in the worst case we all get killled because of that. Keeping on the move is really important.
HOW do I make myself clear talking to those guys...? What are the magic words?

- Posts: 1072
- Joined: 2008-03-31 00:09
Re: Squad leading as 'BLUFOR' on insurgency.
Sound like when you're telling your guys to keep up that you're distracted by the mission, as if its something you're literally following, like some object in the distance. I keep a rolling commentary to my guys in the non combat periods about where we're going, what we're doing, why we're doing it, what the strategy is, etc.Megagoth1702 wrote: HOW do I make myself clear talking to those guys...? What are the magic words?Keeping on the move is so effin important! And when is it better to leave the dead guys dead?
Guys who are worth having will respond to it, guys who just don't keep up will either leave or become so distanced from the squad its easy to say 'alright I'm kicking you'.
Leadership is about dragging people along with your own will. You can't be angry, you can't be an authoritarian. You just make it so that its very clear to everybody that this is your squad and its their privilege to be in it so long as they're there doing what you need. Gamers don't respond well to authority outright usually. But being firm and always on top of everything, telling people to not stand in the open, telling them to keep up... I say "guys on me" or "follow me here" so often it must be my most common phrase.
I usually take the point, usually lead them into the middle of everything. If guys don't follow you then the squad usually fails. One dead guy can kill the squad by being a liability in the revive.
When to leave a guy behind? When its not feasible to fight to get him back up. If an AR gets him from 200 m and your guy is in the middle of a perfect kill zone and you can't easily assault it without it being a major operation, leave him. If one guys sneaks behind you and gets him 40 m to your rear its easy enough to sweep in fast, take him out, get the medic on the downed man, and form a quick perimeter.
You will have an instinct for it. And rallies are there for when its not worth it.

- Posts: 2101
- Joined: 2008-09-19 21:41
Re: Squad leading as 'BLUFOR' on insurgency.
If they suck just kick em.