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Easy Under/Overgrowth Environment

Posted: 2010-01-26 00:01
by Amok@ndy
i will show you how to create a Under/Overgrowth Environment in about 5 mins (also 4km Maps)

you need bf2_tpaint ( or a coloured map Layers 1 - 3 )

Step 1

open up your map and go to the terrain editor and select the Undergrowth-Tool (1)
create 3 materials and use the first 3 coloured buttons [1] , [2] and [3] or it will not work (2)


add some stuff to the materials (not neccesary but it looks better in my case)

Step 2

press the Import DetailLayers button in the Toolbar (3)


now it should look something like this (Render-> Undergrowth Mode)


Step 3

go to the Overgrowth-Tool
now add also 3 materials and use the same coloured buttons like you did before in the Undergrowth-Tool ([1] , [2] and [3])


add your trees and bushes to the materials and save !

Step 4

DONT CLOSE the editor yet
just go into your mapfolder and select your Undergrowth.raw and copy it
then go into the Overgrowth folder and delete the Overgrowth.raw and insert the undergrowth.raw
rename undergrowth.raw to overgrowth.raw

Step 5

go back into the editor and reload your map
now it should look something like that


and thats it ! really easy not ?

this is my first tutorial and i dont have any xpierience with that so if you dont understand sth just ask ;)

and the last: one of my 4km Maps more than 200k trees @ the beginning and now around 63k trees (still alot)

thanks @ndy

Re: [Tutorial] Easy Under/Overgrowth Environment

Posted: 2010-01-26 00:24
by space
With terragen and photoshop you can use the same methodology to make the undergrowth and overgrowth using all 15 layers for each, and distribute them based on height, steepness and a few other variables.

Re: [Tutorial] Easy Under/Overgrowth Environment

Posted: 2010-01-26 01:30
by Amok@ndy
but its much more complicated ;) with this methode you can do up to 6 different overgrowth types and then paint the others manually and map specific

and i think that 2 or 3 different overgrowth types are enough for the basic forming of a map
then you still can add some other areas like a special overgrowth type for clearings like i did on my map
and i also use a special type for the edges of the forests

Re: [Tutorial] Easy Under/Overgrowth Environment

Posted: 2010-01-26 01:32
by Wilkinson

I can finally do this with much ease.

Armorkandy you my friend are R-SMART.

Re: [Tutorial] Easy Under/Overgrowth Environment

Posted: 2010-01-26 19:56
by BloodBane611
Dude, this is awesome. I'll definitely be using it on my next map.

Re: [Tutorial] Easy Under/Overgrowth Environment

Posted: 2010-01-26 22:46
by IronTaxi
good stuff...nice and simple...I like it!