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[AAR] Kicked for Idle, while not being idle.

Posted: 2010-02-06 04:07
by BlackFallout
I was having fun shooting Chinooks on operation archer. Got in the .50 in the back of a technical and was instructed to stay there by squad leader. STAYED on the .50 in the technical for a few minutes shooting at chinooks. Chinooks went away so I stayed and guarded my SL while he and the rest of my squad built a FOB.

Got kicked for being idle. :-(

Oh well it was fun, I played as a SL on Iron bridge I think its called, and kicked the militias ***! Had a lot of fun flanking the enemy through the forest. Still not used to the new rally point system(I think I would call it rally withdrawl:rolleyes :) .

Love 0.9 so far.

Re: Kicked for Idle, while not being idle.

Posted: 2010-02-06 10:09
by Welshboy
BlackFallout wrote:I was having fun shooting Chinooks on operation archer. Got in the .50 in the back of a technical and was instructed to stay there by squad leader. STAYED on the .50 in the technical for a few minutes shooting at chinooks. Chinooks went away so I stayed and guarded my SL while he and the rest of my squad built a FOB.

Got kicked for being idle. :-(

Oh well it was fun, I played as a SL on Iron bridge I think its called, and kicked the militias ***! Had a lot of fun flanking the enemy through the forest. Still not used to the new rally point system(I think I would call it rally withdrawl:rolleyes :) .

Love 0.9 so far.
I think its because the server thinks your idle when your not using WASD. It's happend to me a few times on the air defences on kashan

Re: Kicked for Idle, while not being idle.

Posted: 2010-02-06 11:05
by Serbiak
How I do it if im at a stationary gun is just pressing W,A,S or D ramdomly after a min or so. Should always have im mind how punkbuster works.