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[BUG]Fool's Road, Militia Bunker, Shotgun Vs Supply Crate, mapper placed

Posted: 2010-02-10 03:15
by DeltaFart
Ok, so I was runnign around as a specialist, in the end of the round, and I got a weird reaction shooting the mapper placed supply crates.....
It started on the left side of this screen shot, bounced off the wall, and ended up on the right side

Re: [BUG]Fool's Road, Militia Bunker, Shotgun Vs Supply Crate, mapper placed

Posted: 2010-02-10 03:27
by crazy11
Just dont shoot it ;)

Re: [BUG]Fool's Road, Militia Bunker, Shotgun Vs Supply Crate, mapper placed

Posted: 2010-02-10 03:36
by DeltaFart
Yeh haha, just figured id mention it incase people start moving it into the roads

Re: [BUG]Fool's Road, Militia Bunker, Shotgun Vs Supply Crate, mapper placed

Posted: 2010-02-10 15:21
by rampo

now i want to play fool's road...