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[AAR] Clan getogether

Posted: 2010-02-13 23:34
by Liam[EEF]
Thanks for the event today. With the help of all the clans we had a good chilled game.
Ive been speeking with scot and we are planning on hosting this event fortnightly where clans can just hop on a server with good teamwork and just relax and play. More information to come shortly!

p.s rob from uk!ssg wants a special thanks for origionaly wanting to put it together.

Re: Clan getogether

Posted: 2010-02-14 02:13
by Jigsaw
Yeah was actually a pretty enjoyable game on Silent Eagle. Good idea, and worth doing every couple weeks if possible.

Re: Clan getogether

Posted: 2010-02-14 11:16
by Aquiller
Indeed! Thanks everyone for participating.

Re: [AAR] Clan getogether

Posted: 2010-02-14 11:43
by Nemper
Some pics of the match, just incase anyone wanted to see them :)



Twas a great game for us, even though we lost, and by the sounds of things, everyone had fun :D

Re: [AAR] Clan getogether

Posted: 2010-02-14 18:29
by Tim270
Fun rounds, I got owned in the Havok most of the time on SE, we should do this again :)

Re: [AAR] Clan getogether

Posted: 2010-02-14 20:43
by Liam[EEF]
Dont worry tim, it is being worked on. But you never heard anything.

Re: [AAR] Clan getogether

Posted: 2010-02-14 20:46
by MachoMan
got to love you liam for that picture