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PRSP Area Attacks

Posted: 2010-02-20 20:46
by born2snipe
How do you call in an area attack? Can you in single player?

Re: PRSP Area Attacks

Posted: 2010-02-20 23:20
by 3===SPECTER===3
Unless your online with a human commander then no. Im pretty sure the 1.5 patch for BF2 broke the commander for singleplayer. even in vanilla if you request artillery you get denied everytime. if your someone who mods their PR_SP like a few other members then I have a small solution. But if you don't know how to mod then forget it.

Re: PRSP Area Attacks

Posted: 2010-02-21 00:35
by born2snipe
Well that sucks. I haven't even tried calling artillery in BF2 since I started playing PR. And no I don't do moding. Don't have the time or the know how. Thanks anyways.

Re: PRSP Area Attacks

Posted: 2010-02-21 00:53
by Spinkyone
Was removed for gameplay reasons I believe. If you play BF2 and go to a place the bots can't get to such as up a ladder you'd normally get arty called in on you as part of the AI commanders behaviour, this gets kinda annoying when it's replaced by a JDAM.

Re: PRSP Area Attacks

Posted: 2010-02-21 08:22
by ballard_44
3===SPECTER===3 wrote:Im pretty sure the 1.5 patch for BF2 broke the commander for singleplayer
This is correct.

Re: PRSP Area Attacks

Posted: 2010-02-21 10:47
by Outlawz7
Spinkyone wrote:Was removed for gameplay reasons I believe. If you play BF2 and go to a place the bots can't get to such as up a ladder you'd normally get arty called in on you as part of the AI commanders behaviour, this gets kinda annoying when it's replaced by a JDAM.
No, it got fubar'd by 1.5 patch, if anything we'd increase arty being dropped on players in to AI inaccessible areas, if we could, just because we're that evil. ;)

Also you can't go CO and drop the area attack yourself, because SP and MP share the command screen.

Re: PRSP Area Attacks

Posted: 2010-02-21 23:49
by born2snipe
Spinkyone wrote: this gets kinda annoying when it's replaced by a JDAM.
I think that would be hilarious. I would laugh. Plus the AI would probably be taking out more of their own guys. They already do that with aircraft bombs.