are people still careless in v0.9?

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are people still careless in v0.9?

Post by maarit »

what you think?
are people still careless in 0.9?
do they drive like madmans their truck and get them roll-over?
do medic act right way,pop smoke,wait that smoke spread properly?
asking your squad secure/give you cover while you are reviving people?
do players ask supplys to dangerzone too more often,that you choppers are shotted down constantly?
have ever seen that apc/truck just drive and ignore your pick up orders?(even in chat)
what about ammo?,ask ammo from apc,but apc just drives away.
why in muttrah,US constantly try to land with chopper in middle of city.
why they not try to first eliminate that AA gun from the roof some other way,and then send the choppers?
i see this every server,everytime when i play.(maybe not in tg)
i was thinking that maybe rallypoint changes will improve this,but no.
so,devs has tryed improve this problem with a negative reward...
act carelessly and you gonna walk big time from mainbase to field,but that didnt bring the results what i was hoping for.
when you your teams situtiation is like that,that you dont have any spawnpoints in field i see this...

Noobninja93 has left the server....

so what if devs try to next positive reward when you play serious and correct?(how serious game shouldbe played ;)

but in pr theres nothing when round end.nothing to achieve.
i take examble from another game.
i play some soccergame with ps3.i try to play it like it should be played cos i want to go up in rankingtable,i wanna achieve something.
i get the report how i played that game but it has influences the whole game.
and this will also go in your job,you try to be a good employee,cos you want promotions,etc,theres much exambles in everywhere.
do it good and you get reward.

IMO,the rank system based on points would be next option to make people act right way.
if medic lose his life,he gonna lose his points and theres no reward coming.
apc pick up own teammates to the cappingzone,cos your team gets points and you gonna hopefully win and get your reward.
you dont wanna roll-over your truck cos you lose tickets/points and you may lose the fight and you can say bye bye to your achievement.

in soccergame,you pass good passes,make goals,dont take redcards and suddenly you are captain of the team.
in your job,you are asskisser :) ,everytime ready for the bosses orders and he will give you dayoff sometimes(not happen in my job..)

im not sure what somekind of rank/reward system will bring to the gameplay?
maybe someone can tell me.
yeah,maybe rambos and ninjas,but they allready in game.

is there positive/negative sides on that?
Last edited by maarit on 2010-02-21 10:38, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: are people still careless in 0.9?

Post by Arnoldio »

Depends on players and individuals, also mumble heps, as always...

On servers with retarded players its the same as before, so no harm done, but on servers with players who can actually think, its waaaaaaay better than before.

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Re: are people still careless in 0.9?

Post by SarafanPriest »

People are still careless :/
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Re: are people still careless in 0.9?

Post by [twl]Lan »

We have a high influx of new players at the moment so it's hard to tell. There is the usual waste of assets and resources by people yes and I still see very few APC transport squads. However, the clan people have certainly learned to take care of both assets and FoB building. We've reached new heights there, seen some good stuff done.
People without imagination, consideration and plain lacking any *ation makes me question Gods Great plan. ;)
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Re: are people still careless in 0.9?

Post by Arnoldio »

Though the best feeling was with no rallies whatsover...

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Re: are people still careless in 0.9?

Post by maarit »

ChizNizzle wrote:Though the best feeling was with no rallies whatsover...
i have seen maybe few times that someone uses the rally,maybe more.
and i never seen that rallys is used like this.
your squad takes casualties and its impossible to revive fallen teammate.
fall back from the enemy position put the rally up and call the reinforcements to your squad.
its always that your left-over squad continues to proceed to their plan,leaves teammates to ground and when everybody is dead,then we spawn at the fob.
but i sort of understand that.why all the hassle to fall back from enemyline and get your squad back together?
that you get end of the round just:usmc has win the round,and thats it.
theres no "carrot" to lure people to play just a little bit seriously.

but yes,there a lot new players now to bring their own mix to the gameplay.
and dont get me wrong,i dont wanna any unlock golden snipers ;)
just some bigger goal,achievement,some carrot,lure or what you wanna call it :)
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Re: are people still careless in 0.9?

Post by dtacs »

Things will die down and stupid people will get weeded off when the 'omgomgomgomgomg new version 09 lets go tip a chopper' mentality wears off.
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Re: are people still careless in 0.9?

Post by Sliver »

have ever seen that apc/truck just drive and ignore your pick up orders?(even in chat) - YES
what about ammo?,ask ammo from apc,but apc just drives away. - YES
do players ask supplys to dangerzone too more often,that you choppers are shotted down constantly? - No, they ask for Supplys in a safe-zone, but no one cares

The big problem with the new version - NO ONE BUILD FIREBASES!

Most time the team has only 1 or 2 firbases and no backup firebase...
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Re: are people still careless in 0.9?

Post by NyteMyre »

That's because building firebases is freaking boring to do.
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Re: are people still careless in 0.9?

Post by SarafanPriest »

NyteMyre wrote:That's because building firebases is freaking boring to do.
I enjoy building them ^^ 8-)
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Re: are people still careless in 0.9?

Post by maarit »

1=if you build outpost,spawnpoint is your reward.
1=capping flag,victory is your reward.

but if look whole concept:

2=if your team wins the game:no reward.
so 2 have influence to the 1.

so why bother to be carefull and bring ammos to the field,transport troops,do everything that what this mod is all about,cos at the end of the day,it doesnt matter if your team lose or win.
yeah,i know that the gameplay and the soul of pr is reward itself allready ;)

maybe its just me who likes games where is some bigger goal,something what you can achieve.(nhl career mode,pes,fifa career mode,management games etc)
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Re: are people still careless in 0.9?

Post by Arnoldio »

Winning is just the cherry on the top, the action itself is win in PR

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Re: are people still careless in 0.9?

Post by hiberNative »

people aren't careless, they're just born silly.
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Re: are people still careless in 0.9?

Post by PlaynCool »

Still careless and that can't change no matter how we force teamwork because this is a game :)
Forgive my bad English... :?
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Re: are people still careless in 0.9?

Post by Drunkenup »

God I used to see so much teamwork in 0.874. Take Jabal Al Burj. In 0.874, I recall a wonderful game with a USMC victory because of constant APC support and Close air Support via Huey gunships. I played the same map the other day, and there was a "APC WHORE" squad and "All hooeys" squad. Now uhm..... You see, All the hueys had flipped on the carrier or crashed on landing, taking away nearly 40 tickets. The LAV-25s barely made shore, They were embarking towards Dam, but decided to take the route to West, then go to Dam. A single BRDM took them out. A BRDM for christ sakes!

v0.9 has brought a influx of vBF2 noobs, the same thing happened with previous patches, but those players had given up the game about 2 months in. So maybe by the End of March shall we see peace.
Lord Ruthe
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Re: are people still careless in 0.9?

Post by Lord Ruthe »

I'm a new player and I suppose I have been a bit careless thus far, but I'm learning.

I think the learning curve that people have to pass is patience. I've not played battlefield before this, but I'm used to CoD and HALO, where 10 seconds is an inordinately long spawn and living for a minute is a long life. It took me a couple of games to learn better than to run through the woods with abandon, and I still do If I think th enemy can't be near, but I'm starting to learn to look before I leap.
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Re: are people still careless in 0.9?

Post by mat552 »

Lord Ruthe wrote:I'm a new player and I suppose I have been a bit careless thus far, but I'm learning.

I think the learning curve that people have to pass is patience. I've not played battlefield before this, but I'm used to CoD and HALO, where 10 seconds is an inordinately long spawn and living for a minute is a long life. It took me a couple of games to learn better than to run through the woods with abandon, and I still do If I think th enemy can't be near, but I'm starting to learn to look before I leap.
There is clearly hope for new players, three cheers for players such as you Lord Ruthe, those willing to put in the time to learn will advance far. I salute you, and I wish you the best of luck in your games.
Players might be hardcoded, but that sure doesn't seem to stop anybody from trying.

The only winning move is not to play. Insurgency, that is.
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Re: are people still careless in 0.9?

Post by gazzthompson »

NyteMyre wrote:That's because building firebases is freaking boring to do.
takes literally about 15 seconds. if you get bored for doing something that takes 15 seconds how do you ever play this mod?

as for OP: people will ALWAYS be careless... its a game.
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Re: are people still careless in 0.9?

Post by charliegrs »

NyteMyre wrote:That's because building firebases is freaking boring to do.
then dont be one of the people who complain about having to walk a million miles to get to the fight.
known in-game as BOOMSNAPP
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Re: are people still careless in v0.9?

Post by »

I agree with most posters in here, except for the lazy b--ch who thinks its boring to build FOB's. Boring, but necessary for the teams objective.
However, as someone else pointed out, there has been an enormous injection of new players, and it shows.
I was playing a game on the CIA server the other day, when someone, who actually seemed to be able to fly, flew over my head in a cow FOUR freakin times in 5 minutes with no more than two passengers each time, despite my requests for pickup. And I was in a very safe spot, way behind any action.
Pissed me off, and the ****** eventually got kicked off the server for something else, but how do we teach new players the importance of teamplay? Its not possible to learn this in training with bots, and most training servers are filled with people learning different weapon systems, not practicing extraction or dustoffs. The old saying "Go read the manual, n00b!" doesn't apply to the simple concept of teamwork...
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