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[AAR] CF victory in Yamilia + interesting bug

Posted: 2010-02-24 02:21
by ZephyrDark
Server: Tactical Gamer
SL - Taip3n
Med - Capt.Mactavish
Para-Rifleman - Me! (Blackpython222)
(Had AurianTitan join later)

Was a pretty good round all around, first time I've seen the CF win at Yamalia. My squad didn't do the best but we did alright and did our job. Ended up only losing one Objective but we took it back quite quickly. They called artillery on us and one of or guy felt safe in a foxhole (like the devs promised us) but got hit dead on in the foxhole. Later in the match we ended up confiscating both of the Russian HAT kits.

At one point I was hanging around Obj. Delta when this guy ran past me, I'll let the pictures do the talking:

The believe a Russian tried to kill him with a stolen CF kit. (TBH I have no idea what happened and from the chat you can tell that I wasn't the only seeing this.)