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Medic Kit Limitations

Posted: 2010-02-28 16:48
by Phixion
Simply put, the new limitations on kits are killing this game for me and my friends.

I play with a group of friends and even though we have 6+ people with the game we often struggle to get the 4 required to get a Medic in our squad.

We have all come to the same conclusion and given up trying to play if we don't have at least 4 people, so that we can get the kits required to be competitive in this game.

This is one occasion where the argument of REALISM > * just doesn't fly, as said in another thread (which I failed to find) the number of medics per squad just isn't realistic in this game, so for the sake of playability please lower the number of people required to request a Medic kit!


Re: Medic Kit Limitations

Posted: 2010-02-28 17:37
by UncleSmek
Phixion wrote:Simply put, the new limitations on kits are killing this game for me and my friends.

I play with a group of friends and even though we have 6+ people with the game we often struggle to get the 4 required to get a Medic in our squad.

We have all come to the same conclusion and given up trying to play if we don't have at least 4 people, so that we can get the kits required to be competitive in this game.

This is one occasion where the argument of REALISM > * just doesn't fly, as said in another thread (which I failed to find) the number of medics per squad just isn't realistic in this game, so for the sake of playability please lower the number of people required to request a Medic kit!

shouldnt this be in the suggestion section?

Re: Medic Kit Limitations

Posted: 2010-02-28 17:42
by CallousDisregard
Most players are pretty nice and if you ask in team chat for a 4th person to get the kit, somebody will usually join your squad to help out.

Re: Medic Kit Limitations

Posted: 2010-02-28 20:20
by Phixion
The thing is, what has been gained by limiting it to 4 people? Asking people to join your squad so you can request a kit is a pain. I can see this working with other kits, but the Medic Kit is a requirement in ANY squad, regardless of the number of people in it.

I may be alone here, but I really didn't see the issue with the 2 people requirement for the Medic Kit.

Re: Medic Kit Limitations

Posted: 2010-02-28 21:05
by Arnoldio
3 was better option for medic...

Re: Medic Kit Limitations

Posted: 2010-03-01 03:33
by mangeface
I agree that 4 is a ridiculous number, because I love being the medic and having the lives of my squad in my hands. But you should've posted this in the suggestions to get it noticed better.

Re: Medic Kit Limitations

Posted: 2010-03-04 02:41
by Psyrus
I disagree, I like the move to focus on full and cohesive squads. This works especially well in skirmish scenarios, where previously you could have 5 medics on a team of 10, it is now lowered to 2 medics for that two squads... much less revive spam :)

Plus it forces people to squad up and get out of their '2-3 person' comfort zone

Re: Medic Kit Limitations

Posted: 2010-03-04 03:31
by AgentMongoose
Oh god you mean you might have to play with a pub or two in your squad?!? Say it isn't so! Grow up. 4 though a little high it's fine.

Re: Medic Kit Limitations

Posted: 2010-03-04 03:43
by Rudd
I prefer 3 for the simple reason that squads that get created half way through the game by new players are often left medicless for along time.

Re: Medic Kit Limitations

Posted: 2010-03-28 02:53
by goguapsy
Leave it at 4!

Think about it... while 3 people are stealthier/easier to control as a SL, when you have 4 or more people you get too much micromanagement as SL... which means you will almost inevitably get someone hit... While 3 people is much easier to look around.

In the end, the SL has 3 field dressings. Enough for you to walk back to a resupply area or call in air supply/evac :)

Also the fast medic healing balances the need for 4 people ;)

Re: Medic Kit Limitations

Posted: 2010-03-28 03:38
by Conman51
i prefer 4

Re: Medic Kit Limitations

Posted: 2010-03-28 04:04
by OkitaMakoto
No one is forcing you to lock your squad at 3 players ;)

Im not sure if thats what youre doing, but the way I see it, your issue could easily be solved by, as others have said, allowing a 4th public player in your squad. Im not sure you can legitimately criticize a part of the game while you are refusing to open up your squad/denying any effort on your part to overcome the problem in the first place :)

I know sometimes its annoying having 3 players who are good buddies, and then having to open up to get kit requirements, but its a part of the game, and really not that hard to overcome ;)

Re: Medic Kit Limitations

Posted: 2010-03-28 04:30
by Startrekern
DEFINITELY agree. I preferred the Medic at 3.. it was a good limit. Gameplay > Realism in this case, imo..

I very rarely lock my squads, but I have to say it's very irritating having to have 4 people to get the medic kit.

Re: Medic Kit Limitations

Posted: 2010-03-28 08:09
by Nick_Gunar
I like the way it is to force squad to be 4 and force the teamplay. However, I happened to see in many rounds 4-5 squads (including apc/trans/...) with 3 players in it. Once, I saw 5 squads, we were 20-25 and not a single medic !

All the squad are the same, either it is a clan squad (often lock) or it is a specific language one (glad to join it but don't understand what they say ;) ).

3 to play medic is fine with me however players should understand that if they want a better experience for the game (teamplay with special kits), they should regroup as many as possible.

Re: Medic Kit Limitations

Posted: 2010-03-28 08:35
I feel good about playing with guys I don't know, if they're new making sure they're on the right track...with Mumble.
IT is good to meet new people, yes some are asshats but most are not, I feel an obligation to the community to never lock a squad and to welcome new guys, but if they have no mike or are never listening kick time.
I never have had a problem with getting more than 4. Anything that stops little locked squads is good IMHO.

Re: Medic Kit Limitations

Posted: 2010-03-28 08:42
by [FIN]-=Johnny=-
I think that devs should remove the epipen pen.
My god its so annoying when ambush whole squad of enemys, and the dancing medic man run's from open fields flowers in hands and hits the epipen in enemys corps... And revives the whole squad.
just leaving the medic pack would be better and ,more realistic.

Re: Medic Kit Limitations

Posted: 2010-03-28 09:20
by maarit
'[FIN wrote:-=Johnny=-;1306524']I think that devs should remove the epipen pen.
My god its so annoying when ambush whole squad of enemys, and the dancing medic man run's from open fields flowers in hands and hits the epipen in enemys corps... And revives the whole squad.
just leaving the medic pack would be better and ,more realistic.
thats annoying sometimes.
its always been like that epiphen and whole revive system is simulating bigger squad but rallypoint is much better way to simulate it.
there should be limited rallypoint to simulating bigger squad,so then epiphen may take away.
or just decrease the amount of epiphen maybe just in two.

and to the topic,i in just this moment prefer more 3 limiting cos game is lacking medics badly.

Re: Medic Kit Limitations

Posted: 2010-03-28 09:46
by Smiddey723
IMO the 4 people in a squad to request medic is too high. I think it would be much better to just have 3 players to request medic(Just medic all other kits are still 4). this way me and my other friends would play PR alot more often because usually we only get 3 people to play at a time :o

Re: Medic Kit Limitations

Posted: 2010-03-28 18:14
by goguapsy
Startrekern wrote:DEFINITELY agree. I preferred the Medic at 3.. it was a good limit. Gameplay > Realism in this case, imo..

I very rarely lock my squads, but I have to say it's very irritating having to have 4 people to get the medic kit.
IF you wanted realism... we wouldn't have this sort of medic in the first place (ie. Heals you up instead of just stop you from bleeding/applying splint so you can move and stuff like that).

I only play with pubs BTW, so I never had a real trouble with having 4+ people in a squad... and if some pub is an "asshat", you always have the big, rectangular and dictatorial "Kick" button...