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[Video] Bump, hilarious gem from the past

Posted: 2010-03-06 06:59
by JohnnyTheIED
Just though it was hilarious, found this going thru old PR movies :)

Re: [Video] Bump, hilarious gem from the past

Posted: 2010-03-06 07:03
by Spuz36
Fav on Youtube, so much random clatter going on :P When they start shooting I always wince, thinking they may hit the other!

Re: [Video] Bump, hilarious gem from the past

Posted: 2010-03-06 22:45
by goguapsy
Would be funny if the guy shot the RPG...

Re: [Video] Bump, hilarious gem from the past

Posted: 2010-03-07 03:50
by scope
I was waiting for the building to collapse and kill them all. Sadly it never happened :cry: